VA IPA for Erin Reedy

Project: Research project

Project Details


Ms. Reedy is a certified Speech-Language Pathologist who has experience in human subjects research and will be serving as a research assistant and coordinator on this research project. Ms. Reedy's responsibilities will include assistance and oversight for patient recruitment, informed consent proceedings, scheduling patients for screening visits, treatment sessions, and modified barium swallow studies. Ms. Reedy will also be responsible for oversight and execution of data collection and analysis procedures. This work will be beneficial to the VA and the patients involved may receive benefit from this therapy intervention. Dissemination of findings from this study will provide valuable data regarding the use of this treatment in future head and neck cancer populations both within the VA system and beyond. Upon completion of this project, Ms. Reedy will resume full-time duties at Northwestern University.
Effective start/end date9/1/213/31/23


  • Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital (IPA AGMT. Signed 08/05/2022 (578/151))


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