WORKSHOP: Computer Supported Cooperative Work 2014 Doctoral Research Colloquium

Project: Research project

Project Details


WORKSHOP: Computer Supported Cooperative Work 2014 Doctoral Research Colloquium Project Summary Overview. This proposal requests support for a research development workshop of promising doctoral students to be held in conjunction with the 2014 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2014). CSCW 2014 will take place in Baltimore, Maryland, USA on February 15-19, 2014 and will be attended by approximately 500 CSCW professionals from around the world. Research reports published in the CSCW Conference Proceedings are heavily refereed and widely cited. The Doctoral Colloquium (DC) is a research-focused meeting of 12 selected Ph.D. candidates and a panel of 4-6 research mentors. Prior colloquia have helped launch the careers of many outstanding CSCW researchers. The DC co-Chairs are Darren Gergle (Northwestern University, USA) and Claus Bossen (Aarhus University, Denmark). The colloquium seeks to (a) build a cohort group of new researchers who will then have a network of colleagues spread out across the world, (b) guide the work of the new researchers by having the experts in the research field give advice, (c) encourage and support the selection of CSCW research topics, (d) enable new entrants to the field to attend a key research conference, (e) illustrate the interrelationship and diversity of CSCW research, and (f) make the new entrants’ experience at CSCW an intellectually stimulating and rewarding experience, encouraging them to return and submit papers, panels, demonstrations, and posters, to the conference. Key efforts of the organizers will encourage participation from diverse fields and underrepresented populations and universities. Intellectual Merit. The primary intellectual contributions of this project lie in close intellectual mentoring of the selected Ph.D. participants and the development of a cohort of future leaders within the CSCW community. Furthermore, bringing together these students with the faculty panel, both during the workshop and during the conference poster presentations, will support the development of interdisciplinary dialogs, creating an environment for exchange and conversation that will further enable progress on every project represented at the DC. The specific projects of students selected for the DC will generate additional intellectual contributions. Broader Impacts. The proposed benefits to society and the CSCW community can be considerable from the DC. There are both short and long-term benefits from this work. In the short term, the panelists will provide significant feedback to the students participating in the DC. In this tight fiscal environment and job market, the workshop also provides an avenue for advanced Ph.D. students to advertise themselves and their work to conference attendees, many of whom may be hiring in the near future. In the long-term, the expectation is that students who have participated in the DC will give back to the community by engaging as mentors to undergraduate students, and in the future to doctoral students. Furthermore, these exceptional students are anticipated to be among the future leaders of the CSCW community, and it is durable long-term benefit to that community to support them in their early research. These values of continuity and knowledge community will be explicitly expressed at the consortium.
Effective start/end date11/1/13 → 10/31/14


  • National Science Foundation (IIS-1350764)


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