Workshop: Doctoral Consortium for HCOMP 2017

  • Hecht, Brent (PD/PI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


We request support for a consortium of promising doctoral students and distinguished research faculty to be held in conjunction with the HCOMP 2017 Conference on Human Computation & Crowdsourcing, which is sponsored by AAAI. The HCOMP 2017 Program Chairs are Steven Dow (UC San Diego) and Adam Kalai (Microsoft Research). The HCOMP 2017 Doctoral Consortium will be a research-focused meeting of an international group of selected Ph.D. candidates, and a panel of distinguished research faculty. The Consortium allows participants to interact with established researchers and with other students, through presentations, question-answer sessions, panel discussions, and invited presentations. Each participant will give a short presentation on their research and will receive feedback from at least one faculty mentor and from fellow students. The Consortium also will include activities led by the faculty – such as a panel discussion – to give students more information about the process and lessons of research and life in academia and industry. Several distinguished faculty and researchers in human computation and crowdsourcing will join in evaluating the submission packets and will participate in the Doctoral Consortium, providing feedback to the presenters. In an effort to furtherintegrate the Doctoral Consortium participants into the conference itself, students will have a chance to present their work as posters in an interactive poster session. The Doctoral Consortium (DC) Chair (PI Hecht) will select six additional distinguished researchers to serve as faculty mentors; this group also will serve as the review committee for student applications. PI Hecht was the DC chair for HCOMP 2015 and will be building on the success of that DC for 2017. Students, faculty, and conference attendees will be asked for feedback on the Consortium, including suggestions for improvements for future conferences. This feedback will be summarized in the final conference report submitted by the Conference Chairs and made available to future HCOMP Doctoral Consortia chairs (as PI Hecht did in 2015). Student research will be disseminated via poster presentations during the HCOMP 2017 technical program. Student papers will be posted online on the workshop webpage but considered nonarchival, thus may be freely submitted before or afterward to other archival venues.
Effective start/end date8/1/177/31/18


  • National Science Foundation (IIS-1748375)


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