A model for two-phase critical flows using length to diameter ratio and flow regime as explicit variables.

S. Grewal, J. Linehan, M. Grolmes

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


A model is developed that is useful in predicting from stagnation conditions alone the adiabatic, one component, two-phase, critical mass flow rate of fluids in circular tubes of length to diameter ratio greater than 8. This model emphasizes the flow regimes that are present and the phenomenological correctness of the model is demonstrated by using two other tests as well: first the prediction of critical mass flow rate for a given critical pressure and stagnation enthalph and secondly, the prediction of the pressure profile in the long tube. Charts of the critical mass flow rate versus stagnation pressure with stagnation temperature as the second independent variable are obtained using the model. (from authors' abstract)

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationIN
Subtitle of host publicationHEAT TRANSFER 1982, PROC. SEVENTH INT. HEAT TRANSFER CONF., (MUNICH, FED. REP. GERMANY: SEP. 6-10, 1982), U. GRIGULL; E.
Publisher; E. Hahne;K. Stephan; J. Straub (eds.), vol. 5, General Papers, Washington,U.S.A
Volume5 , General Papers, Washington, U.S.A., Hemisphere Publishing Corp., 1982, Paper TF33, p.385-390. (ISB
ISBN (Print)0891162992, 9780891162995
StatePublished - 1982
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Engineering


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