A simple mass-action model for the eukaryotic heat shock response and its mathematical validation

Ion Petre*, Andrzej Mizera, Claire L. Hyder, Annika Meinander, Andrey Mikhailov, Richard I. Morimoto, Lea Sistonen, John E. Eriksson, Ralph Johan Back

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

52 Scopus citations


The heat shock response is a primordial defense mechanism against cell stress and protein misfolding. It proceeds with the minimum number of mechanisms that any regulatory network must include, a stress-induced activation and a feedback regulation, and can thus be regarded as the archetype for a cellular regulatory process. We propose here a simple mechanistic model for the eukaryotic heat shock response, including its mathematical validation. Based on numerical predictions of the model and on its sensitivity analysis, we minimize the model by identifying the reactions with marginal contribution to the heat shock response. As the heat shock response is a very basic and conserved regulatory network, our analysis of the network provides a useful foundation for modeling strategies of more complex cellular processes.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)595-612
Number of pages18
JournalNatural Computing
Issue number1
StatePublished - Mar 2011


Acknowledgments This work has been partially supported by the following grants from Academy of Finland: project 108421 (IP), project 203667 (A.Mizera), the Center of Excellence on Formal Methods in Programming (R-J.B.).


  • Heat shock element
  • Heat shock factor
  • Heat shock protein
  • Heat shock response
  • Mathematical model
  • Regulatory network
  • Validation

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Computer Science Applications


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