A survey of United States obstetric anesthesiologists’ perceived value of obstetric anesthesiology fellowship

C. Thomas*, K. E. Neumann, C. Smith, J. E. Dominguez, A. Traynor, M. K. Farber, M. Zakowski, R. J. McCarthy, F. M. Peralta

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Introduction: Subspecialty training in obstetric anesthesiology is associated with improved patient outcomes and reduced anesthesia-related morbidity and mortality. Despite this, the demand for fellowship-trained obstetric anesthesiologists far exceeds the supply. This survey study aimed to evaluate the perceived value of obstetric anesthesiology subspecialty training on career trajectory, job satisfaction, quality of life, and job autonomy. Methods: After Institutional Review Board approval, we conducted a cross-sectional study of fellowship-trained obstetric anesthesiologists in the United States of America. In March and April 2022, program directors of obstetric anesthesiology fellowships distributed an electronic survey link containing 29 multiple-choice questions to their program alumni. Survey content included respondent demographic characteristics, practice models, career information, and perceived value of an obstetric anesthesiology fellowship. Results: We surveyed 217/502 (43%) fellowship-trained obstetric anesthesiologists with a response rate of 158/217 (73%). Most worked in urban, academic, and level IV perinatal health centers. The majority believed an obstetric anesthesiology fellowship was “extremely beneficial” (77%), enhanced quality of life (84%), improved the quality of patient care (99%), and was influential in helping obtain their first post-training job (86%). The perceived value of the fellowship included an enhanced career trajectory, a sense of purpose, improved job satisfaction, a sense of work community, lower burnout, involvement in maternal health initiatives, increased mentorship, and departmental leadership. Conclusion: In this survey study, fellowship-trained obstetric anesthesiologists perceived a positive impact of fellowship training on career trajectory, job protection and autonomy, quality of life, and job satisfaction. This information may be meaningful to trainees considering pursuing a fellowship and a career in obstetric anesthesiology.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number103930
JournalInternational Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia
StatePublished - Nov 2023


  • Anesthesiology
  • Career
  • Fellowship
  • Satisfaction
  • Survey

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine


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