A universal and robust integrated platform for the scalable production of human cardiomyocytes from pluripotent stem cells

Hananeh Fonoudi, Hassan Ansari, Saeed Abbasalizadeh, Mehran Rezaei Larijani, Sahar Kiani, Shiva Hashemizadeh, Ali Sharifi Zarchi, Alexis Bosman, Gillian M. Blue, Sara Pahlavan, Matthew Perry, Yishay Orr, Yaroslav Mayorchak, Jamie Vandenberg, Mahmood Talkhabi, David S. Winlaw, Richard P. Harvey, Nasser Aghdami, Hossein Baharvand*

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107 Scopus citations


Recent advances in the generation of cardiomyocytes (CMs) fromhumanpluripotent stemcells (hPSCs), in conjunctionwith the promising outcomes from preclinical and clinical studies, have raised new hopes for cardiac cell therapy.We report the development of a scalable, robust, and integrated differentiation platform for large-scale production of hPSC-CM aggregates in a stirred suspension bioreactor as a single-unit operation. Precisemodulation of the differentiation process by smallmolecule activation ofWNT signaling, followed by inactivation of transforming growth factor-b andWNT signaling and activation of sonic hedgehog signaling in hPSCs as size-controlled aggregates led to the generation of approximately 100% beating CMspheroids containing virtually pure (∼90%) CMs in 10 days.Moreover, the developed differentiation strategywas universal,asdemonstratedbytestingmultiplehPSClines (5humanembryonic stem celland4humaninduciblePSClines)without cell sortingor selection.Theproducedh PSC-CMssuccessfully expressed canonical lineage-specific markers and showed high functionality, as demonstrated by microelectrode array and electrophysiology tests. This robust and universal platform could become a valuable tool for the mass production of functional hPSC-CMs as a prerequisite for realizing their promising potential for therapeutic and industrial applications, including drug discovery and toxicity assays.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1482-1494
Number of pages13
JournalStem Cells Translational Medicine
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 2015


  • Bioreactor
  • Cardiomyocytes
  • Cell therapy
  • Directed differentiation
  • Embryonic stem
  • Human pluripotent stem cells
  • Induced pluripotent stem
  • Small molecules

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine


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