Ambient- and elevated-temperature strengthening by Al3Zr-Nanoprecipitates and Al3Ni-Microfibers in a cast Al-2.9Ni-0.11Zr-0.02Si-0.005Er (at.%) alloy

Richard A. Michi, Jacques Perrin Toinin, David N. Seidman, David C. Dunand*

*Corresponding author for this work

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46 Scopus citations


Strengthening mechanisms at ambient and elevated temperatures are studied in a cast Al-0.11Zr-0.02Si-0.005Er (at.%) alloy with a 2.86 at.% Ni addition, containing: (i) incoherent Al3Ni microfibers formed during eutectic solidification; and (ii) coherent, equiaxed Al3Zr (L12-structure) nanoprecipitates created on subsequent aging. Strengthening contributions from microfibers and nanoprecipitates are cooperative at ambient temperature, over the full range of Al3Zr precipitation during under-, peak-, and over-aging states. In contrast, during compressive creep testing at 300 °C, the binary eutectic Al-Al3Ni alloy is not further strengthened by the Al3Zr nanoprecipitates, reflecting their lower number density (5.8 × 1022 m−3) in the regions between Al3Ni microfibers, where load transfer and/or microfiber/dislocation interactions provide strengthening. Also, when the Al-0.11Zr-0.02Si-0.005Er (at.%) alloy is modified with very low Ni concentrations of 0.07 at.%, without Al3Ni microfiber formation, the precipitation kinetics of Al3Zr(L12) are unaffected and negligible amounts of Ni are measured in the nanoprecipitates. The binary Al-2.86Ni at.% alloys with Al3Ni eutectic microfibers, with and without Al3Zr nanoprecipitates, are significantly more creep resistant at 300 °C than dilute Al-Sc or Al-Zr alloys strengthened solely by Al3Zr or Al3Sc nanoprecipitates. Unlike Al-Zr alloys, their upper service temperature is, however, limited to ∼400 °C, above which Al3Ni coarsening becomes rapid.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)78-89
Number of pages12
JournalMaterials Science and Engineering: A
StatePublished - Jun 24 2019


This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research ( N00014-16-1-2402 ). Atom-probe tomography was performed at the Northwestern University Center for Atom-Probe Tomography (NUCAPT). The LEAP tomograph at NUCAPT was purchased and upgraded with grants from the NSF-MRI ( DMR-0420532 ) and ONR-DURIP ( N00014-0400798 , N00014-0610539 , N00014-0910781 , N00014-1712870 ) programs. NUCAPT received support from the MRSEC program (NSF DMR-1720139 ) at the Materials Research Center, the SHyNE Resource (NSF ECCS-1542205 ), and the Initiative for Sustainability and Energy (ISEN) at Northwestern University. This work made use of the Materials Characterization and Imaging Facility which receives support from the MRSEC Program (NSF DMR-1720139 ) of the Materials Research Center at Northwestern University. This work also made use of the EPIC facility of Northwestern University's NUANCE Center, which has received support from the MRSEC program NSF DMR-1720139 ) at the Materials Research Center; the International Institute for Nanotechnology (IIN); and the State of Illinois, through the IIN. DNS and DCD disclose financial interests relative to Braidy Industries, which could potentially benefit from the outcomes of this research but did not influence its conduct, description, or interpretation.


  • Al-Ni-Zr-Er alloy
  • Atom-probe tomography
  • Compressive creep
  • Microhardness

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Materials Science
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Mechanics of Materials
  • Mechanical Engineering


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