Analiza predispitne nesanice kod studenata Medicinskog fakulteta

Translated title of the contribution: Analysis of Pre-Exam Insomnia among Medical Students

Vlada Đurić, Milan Latas, Nikola Trajanović, Daniela B Jovanović, Srđan Milovanović

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle



Uvod: Nesanica (insomnia) je poremećaj spavanja koji se definiše kao nezadovoljavajući kvantitet i/ili kvalitet spavanja koji perzistira duže vremena.

Cilj rada: Analizirati postojanje predispitne nesanica kod studenata Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu.

Uzorak i metode: Uzorak za istraživanje činilo je 112 studenata II, III i IV godine Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Predispitna nesanica kod studenata ispitivana je putem Atina insomnija skale (Athens Insomnia Scale-AIS). Studenti su ispitivani u vremenu koje nije blisko ispitu kao i tokom nedelje koja je prethodila ispitu.

Rezultati: Na svih 8 (100%) ispitivanih varijabli poređenja srednjih vrednosti simptoma insomnije u nedelji koja nije povezana sa ispitom i srednjih vrednosti simptoma insomnije u nedelji koja je prethodila ispitu postoji statistički značajno veći intenzitet simptoma insomnije (p < 0,05) u nedelji koja je prethodila ispitu. Komparacija ispitivanih grupa po ukupnoj vrednosti AIS ukazuje da studenti u toku nedelje koja prethodi ispitu imaju statistički značajno veći stepen insomnije nego u nedelji koja nije povezana sa ispitom (t = -16,338; p<0,05).

Zaključak: Studenti Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu imaju statistički značajno veći intenzitet simptoma insomnije u nedelji koja je prethodila ispitu u odnosu na nedelju koja nije povezana sa ispitom.


Introduction: Insomnia is sleep disturbance characterizedwith unsatisfactory quality and/orquantity of sleep.

Aim of the study: To analyze the presence of pre-examinsomnia in the sample of studentsattending the School of Medicine atthe University of Belgrade.

Sample and methods: The study sample consisted of 112 students from the second, third and fourth year of the School ofMedicine. Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS) was usedto analyze the presence of pre-exam insomnia in the student sample. Thestudents were first questioned during the time that was not close to any exam, and then a week be-fore the exams.

Results: The comparison of mean values on each of the eight analyzed variablesrelated to various symptoms of insomnia indicated that students perceivedproblems of sleeping much less during weeks that are not temporally related to exams than in a week prior to an exam. All of those differencesare statistically significant.

Conclusion: The studied sample of pre-graduate students had a statistically more significant complaint of insomnia symptoms during the week prior to exams than during the week that was not close to exams.

Translated title of the contributionAnalysis of Pre-Exam Insomnia among Medical Students
Original languageOther
Pages (from-to)61-68
Number of pages8
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - 2009


  • insomnia
  • students
  • exam
  • Medical faculty


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