Antihypertensive use and the effect of a physical activity intervention in the prevention of major mobility disability among older adults: The LIFE study

Thomas W. Buford*, Michael E. Miller, Timothy S. Church, Thomas M. Gill, Rebecca Henderson, Fang Chi Hsu, Mary M. McDermott, Neelesh Nadkarni, Marco Pahor, Randall S. Stafford, Christy S. Carter

*Corresponding author for this work

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6 Scopus citations


Background: This subgroup analysis of the Lifestyle Intervention and Independence for Elders trial evaluates the impact of a long-term physical activity (PA) intervention on rates of major mobility disability (MMD) among older adults according to their antihypertensive medication use. Methods: Lifestyle Intervention and Independence for Elders study participants were randomized to center-based PA or health education for a median of 2.7 years. Participants were sedentary men and women aged 70-89 years with objectively measured physical limitations. This analysis evaluated rates of MMD and persistent MMD among 1, 633 participants, according to antihypertensive medication use. Participants were designated as either (i) an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor user (ACEi+), (ii) a user of other antihypertensives not including ACEi (ACEi-), or (iii) nonusers of antihypertensive medications (AHT-). Interactions were explored between antihypertensive use and randomized arm. Results: Interaction terms for MMD (p=.214) and persistent MMD (p=.180) did not reach statistical significance. For MMD, PA displayed marginal effects among ACEi+(hazard ratio [HR]=0.76; 95%confidence interval [CI]=0.57, 1.02) and ACEi- (HR=0.76; 95%CI=0.60, 0.97) but not AHT- (HR=1.19; 95%CI=0.75, 1.87). For persistent MMD, the effect of PA was greatest among ACEi+(HR=0.57; 95%CI=0.39, 0.84) when compared to ACEi- (HR=0.76; 95%CI=0.55, 1.06) or AHT- (HR=1.18; 95%CI=0.59, 2.36). Conclusions: The effects of long-term PA on the incidence of MMD and persistent MMD were similar among three subgroups of older adults stratified by their antihypertensive medication use. However, though statistical interactions did not reach significance, several findings may warrant future study in other cohorts given the post hoc nature of this study.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)974-981
Number of pages8
JournalJournals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 2016


The Lifestyle Interventions and Independence for Elders Study is funded by cooperative agreement UO1AG22376 from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Institute on Aging; supplement 3U01AG022376-05A2S from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; and was sponsored in part by the Intramural Research Program. The research is partially supported by the Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Centers at the University of Florida (P30AG028740), Wake Forest University (P30AG21332), Tufts University (P30AG031679), University of Pittsburgh (P30A024827), and Yale University (P30AG021342) and the NIH/NCRR CTSAs at Stanford University (UL1RR025744), University of Florida (U54RR025208), and Yale University (UL1TR000142). Tufts University is also supported by the Boston Rehabilitation Outcomes Center (1R24HD065688-01A1). Dr. T.M.G. is also supported by an Academic Leadership Award (K07AG3587) from the National Institute on Aging.


  • Clinical trials
  • Exercise
  • Physical activity
  • Physical function

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine


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