Automated fabrication of mobility aids (AFMA): Below-knee CASD/CAM testing and evaluation program results

V. L. Houston*, E. M. Burgess, D. S. Childress, H. R. Lehneis, C. P. Mason, M. A. Garbarini, K. P. LaBlanc, D. A. Boone, R. B. Chan, J. H. Harlan, M. D. Brncick

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

33 Scopus citations


In 1988 the Department of Veterans Affairs Rehabilitation Research and Development Service, under the directorship of Margaret J. Giannini, M D., began a nationally directed computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) research program for the Automated Fabrication of Mobility Aids (AFMA). Under this program CAD/CAM research and development centers were established at the Prosthetics Research Study in Seattle, WA; at Northwestern University and the VA Lakeside Medical Center in Chicago, IL, and at the VA Medical Center and New York University Medical Center in New York, NY. These three centers conducted a collaborative program: (a) to introduce CAD/CAM technologies to prosthetists, physicians, therapists, and rehabilitation health care professionals in the United States; (b) to evaluate the feasibility of using CAD/CAM systems in clinical prosthetics settings; (c) to test and evaluate the University College London-Bioengineering Center's and the University of British Columbia-Medical Engineering Resource Unit's respective systems for the computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacture of prosthetic sockets (CASD/CAM) for below-knee amputees; and, (d) to obtain quantitative data for refinement of the CASD/CAM systems tested, and for the development of new, enhanced, more efficacious, and expedient systems.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)78-124
Number of pages47
JournalJournal of Rehabilitation Research and Development
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1992

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Rehabilitation


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