Bridging the Boundary Without Sinking the Team: Communication, Identification, and Creativity in Multiteam Systems

Raquel Asencio*, Toshio Murase, Barthelemy Chollet, Leslie A. DeChurch, Stephen J. Zaccaro

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Objective:We investigate the effects of communication networks focused inside and outside the team on both team and multiteam systems (MTSs) identification and the effect of team and MTS identification on MTS creativity. Method: We use a sample of 334 individuals working in 128 project teams embedded in 32 MTSs. Participants took part in an 8-week project (Mage = 21; 53% females) that linked courses in Environmental Ecology, Social Psychology, and Innovation Management in two U.S.-based universities and France-based university. Psychometric measures include communication networks and team and MTS identification. Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) rated creativity of the final deliverable. Results: We find that between-team communication benefits MTS identification (β =.55, p <.001), but exhibits a negative curvilinear effect on team identification (β = −.31, p =.014). Within-team communication benefits team identification (β =.43, p =.003) without harming MTS identification (β =.11, p =.444). Additionally, we find a crossed interaction effect in predicting MTS creativity (β =.39, p =.006). MTSs with component teams that identified strongly with the team and system produced novel and useful ideas, but MTSs with low dual identification also demonstrated strong creativity. Conclusion: The emergence of social identification can result from the bottom-up influence of interpersonal interaction among group members. Additionally, the development of relationships between teams affects how the team develops internally. Finally, findings paint a complex picture of the identification–creativity relationship.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)28-49
Number of pages22
JournalGroup Dynamics
Issue number1
StatePublished - Oct 25 2021


  • communication networks
  • creativity
  • identification
  • multiteam systems
  • teams

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Social Psychology
  • Applied Psychology


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