Coherent bremsstrahlung, coherent pair production, birefringence, and polarimetry in the 20-170 GeV energy range using aligned crystals
A. Apyan*, R. O. Avakian, B. Badelek, S. Ballestrero, C. Biino, I. Birol, P. Cenci, S. H. Connell, S. Eichblatt, T. Fonseca, A. Freund, B. Gorini, R. Groess, K. Ispirian, T. J. Ketel, Yu V. Kononets, A. Lopez, A. Mangiarotti, B. Van Rens, J. P.F. SellschopM. Shieh, P. Sona, V. Strakhovenko, E. Uggerhøj, U. I. Uggerhøj, G. Unel, M. Velasco, Z. Z. Vilakazi, O. Wessely
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