Dark matter search results from the CDMS il experiment

Jodi Cooley*, Z. Ahmed, D. S. Akerib, S. Arrenberg, C. N. Bailey, D. Balakishiyeva, L. Baudis, D. A. Bauer, P. L. Brink, T. Bruch, R. Bunker, B. Cabrera, D. O. Caldwell, P. Cushman, M. Daal, F. Dejongh, M. R. Dragowsky, L. Duong, S. Fallows, E. Figueroa-FelicianoJ. Filippini, M. Fritts, S. R. Golwala, D. R. Grant, J. Hall, R. Hennings-Yeomans, S. A. Hertel, D. Holmgren, L. Hsu, M. E. Huber, O. Kamaev, M. Kiveni, M. Kos, S. W. Leman, R. Mahapatra, V. Mandic, K. A. McCarthy, N. Mirabolfathi, D. Moore, H. Nelson, R. W. Ogburn, A. Phipps, M. Pyle, X. Oiu, E. Ramberg, W. Rau, A. Resetter, T. Saab, B. Sadoulet, J. Sander, R. W. Schnee, D. N. Seitz, B. Serfass, K. M. Sundqvist, M. Tarka, P. Wikus, S. Yellin, J. Yoo, B. A. Young, J. Zhang

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663 Scopus citations


Astrophysical observations indicate that dark matter constitutes most of the mass in our universe, but its nature remains unknown. Over the past decade, the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS II) experiment has provided world-leading sensitivity for the direct detection of weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter. The final exposure of our low-temperature germanium particle detectors at the Soudan Underground Laboratory yielded two candidate events, with an expected background of 0.9 ± 0.2 events. This is not statistically significant evidence for a WIMP signal. The combined CDMS II data place the strongest constraints on the WIMP-nucleon spin-independent scattering cross section for a wide range of WIMP masses and exclude new parameter space in inelastic dark matter models.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1619-1621
Number of pages3
Issue number5973
StatePublished - Mar 26 2010

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