Dielectric Resonator for K a-Band Pulsed EPR Measurements at Cryogenic Temperatures: Probehead Construction and Applications

A. Raitsimring*, A. Astashkin, J. H. Enemark, A. Blank, Y. Twig, Y. Song, T. J. Meade

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Scopus citations


The construction and performance of a K a-band pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) cryogenic probehead that incorporates dielectric resonator (DR) is presented. We demonstrate that the use of DR allows one to optimize pulsed double electron-electron resonance (DEER) measurements utilizing large resonator bandwidth and large amplitude of the microwave field B 1. In DEER measurements of Gd-based spin labels, use of this probe finally allows one to implement the potentials of Gd-based labels in distance measurements. Evidently, this DR is well suited to any applications requiring large B 1-fields and resonator bandwidths, such as electron spin echo envelope modulation spectroscopy of nuclei having low magnetic moments and strong hyperfine interactions and double quantum coherence dipolar spectroscopy as was recently demonstrated in the application of a similar probe based on an loop-gap resonator and reported by Forrer et al. (J Magn Reson 190:280, 2008).

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)441-452
Number of pages12
JournalApplied Magnetic Resonance
Issue number4
StatePublished - Jun 2012


Acknowledgments This research was supported by the Binational Science Foundation (USA-Israel, BSF#2006179), NIH 1R01 EB005866-01, 5R01EB00586-6 and S10RR020959, NSF DBI-0139459, DBI-9604939 and BIR-922443. A.R. is grateful to I. Kaminker and Drs. A. Feintuch and D. Goldfarb of the Weizmann Institute of Science for stimulating discussions. A.R. acknowledges a fine job on the manufacturing and assembly of the probe parts by Mr. L. Macomber and Mr. E. Autz of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry machine shop.

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics


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