Distributions of charged hadrons observed in deep-inelastic muon-deuterium scattering at 490 GeV

M. R. Adams*, S. Aïd, P. L. Anthony, M. D. Baker, J. Bartlett, A. A. Bhatti, H. M. Braun, W. Busza, J. M. Conrad, G. Coutrakon, R. Davisson, I. Derado, S. K. Dhawan, W. Dougherty, T. Dreyer, K. Dziunikowska, V. Eckardt, U. Ecker, M. Erdmann, A. EskreysJ. Figiel, H. J. Gebauer, D. F. Geesaman, R. Gilman, M. C. Green, J. Haas, C. Halliwell, J. Hanlon, D. Hantke, V. W. Hughes, H. E. Jackson, D. E. Jaffe, G. Jancso, D. M. Jansen, S. Kaufman, R. D. Kennedy, T. Kirk, H. G E Kobrak, S. Krzywdzinski, S. Kunori, J. J. Lord, H. J. Lubatti, D. McLeod, S. Magill, P. Malecki, A. Manz, H. Melanson, D. G. Michael, W. Mohr, H. E. Montgomery, J. G. Morfin, R. B. Nickerson, S. O'Day, K. Olkiewicz, L. Osborne, V. Papavassiliou, B. Pawlik, F. M. Pipkin, E. J. Ramberg, A. Röser, J. J. Ryan, A. Salvarani, H. Schellman, M. Schmitt, N. Schmitz, K. P. Schüler, H. J. Seyerlein, A. Skuja, G. A. Snow, S. Söldner-Rembold, P. H. Steinberg, H. E. Stier, P. Stopa, R. A. Swanson, R. Talaga, S. Tentindo-Repond, H. J. Trost, M. Vidal, M. Wilhelm, J. Wilkes, H. Venkataramania, Richard Wilson, W. Wittek, S. A. Wolbers, T. Zhao

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

18 Scopus citations


Longitudinal and transverse momentum spectra of final state hadrons produced in deep-inelastic muon-deuterium scattering at incident muon energy of 490 GeV have been measured up to a hadronic center of mass energy of 30 GeV. The longitudinal distributions agree well with data from earlier muon-nucleon scattering experiments; these distributions tend to increase in steepness as the center of mass energy increases. Comparisons with e+e- data at comparable center of mass energies indicate slight differences. The transverse momentum distributions show an increase in mean pT2 with an increase in the center of mass energy.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)163-168
Number of pages6
JournalPhysics Letters B
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - Nov 28 1991

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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