Dual-parameter flow cytometric analysis coupling the measurements of forward-angle light scatter and DNA content of archival ovarian carcinomas of low malignant potential

B. Eriksen, D. S. Miller, T. M. Murad, John Robert Lurain III, K. D. Bauer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Scopus citations


Paraffin-embedded archival specimens from 45 cases of ovarian carcinoma of low malignant potential (OCLMP) were analyzed by flow cytometry (FCM) using propidium iodide (PI) staining. Since single-parameter FCM analysis is often deficient in the resolution of subtle near-diploid DNA-aneuploid populations, forward-angle light scatter (FALS) was measured as a second parameter. DNA aneuploidy was identified in 15 cases (33%). In 7 of those 15 cases, aneuploidy was resolved with single-parameter FCM; in the remaining 8 cases, DNA aneuploidy was resolved only following dual-parameter analysis coupling DNA content and FALS. In all 15 cases, a single near-diploid aneuploid population was observed (mean DNA index = 1.2); there were no tetraploid aneuploid cases. The proliferative activity for all 45 cases studied ranged from 1.0% to 8.9%, with a mean of 3.5%. No difference in mean proliferative activity was observed between the aneuploid and diploid tumors (P > .05). To exclude the possibility that PI staining artifacts caused the observed aneuploidy, five of the eight cases shown to be aneuploid by dual-parameter analysis were further studied using an alternate DNA-binding dye, DAPI, yielding similar results. To exclude the possibility that contaminating stromal and/or inflammatory cells caused the observed aneuploidy, samples from a subset of the dual-parameter cases were sorted, revealing the aneuploid populations to be composed primarily of tumor nuclei. These results suggest that dual-parameter FCM, coupling the measurements of DNA content and FALS, may be useful for the detection of subtle near-diploid DNA aneuploidy in paraffin-embedded specimens, and thus for the possible characterization of OCLMT, whose biologic behavior is difficult to assess histologically or clinically.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)45-53
Number of pages9
JournalAnalytical and Quantitative Cytology and Histology
Issue number1
StatePublished - Apr 5 1991

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Anatomy
  • Histology
  • Cell Biology


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