Dynamic regulation of pituitary follistatin messenger ribonucleic acids during the rat estrous cycle

Lisa M. Halvorson, Jeffrey Weiss, Angela C. Bauer-Dantoin, J. Larry Jameson*

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88 Scopus citations


FSH synthesis and secretion are regulated by a complex interplay of hypothalamic, gonadal, and pituitary factors. Recent evidence suggests that inhibin, activin, and follistatin, although originally identified as gonadal peptides, are also expressed in the pituitary, where they may be secreted and play an autocrine/paracrine role in the control of FSHβ gene expression. Attempts to study pituitary regulation of the genes encoding these proteins have been hampered by low levels of mRNA expression. Consequently, we developed quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction assays for follistatin (FS) and the three subunits (α, βA, and βB) that comprise activin and inhibin. Expression of activin type II receptor (actRII) mRNA was also analyzed. Reasoning that mRNA levels of these FSH-regulating pituitary peptides might be modulated at times of increased FSH gene expression, two in vivo models were chosen for further investigation. 1) Two weeks after ovariectomy, rat pituitary FS mRNA levels increased substantially (4.09-fold vs. intact) with a modest increase in βB-inhibin mRNA levels (1.88-fold vs. intact). No changes in α-inhibin, βA-inhibin, or actRII mRNA levels were observed. 2) During the estrous cycle, pituitary FS gene expression varied strikingly, with a peak at 1800 h on proestrus (13.69-fold vs. 0900 h on proestrus), followed by a rapid decline at 2400 h on proestrus (2.10-fold vs. 0900 h on proestrus). A more detailed analysis of expression during proestrus revealed that peak FS mRNA levels preceded peak FSHβ gene expression by 6 h. Levels of the inhibin subunit and actRII transcripts varied minimally across the estrous cycle. We conclude that during the estrous cycle in rats, pituitary FS mRNA levels are regulated dynamically, whereas levels of inhibin/activin subunits and the activin receptor, actRII, vary minimally. The observation that FS mRNA levels peak before maximal expression of FSHβ mRNA raises the possibility that FS facilitates, rather than inhibits, FSH biosynthesis in vivo.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1247-1253
Number of pages7
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 1994

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Endocrinology


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