Effect of diet on energy expenditure and plasma norepinephrine in lean and obese Pima Indians

Rebecca D. Kush, James B. Young*, Harvey L. Katzeff, Elliot Danforth, John S. Garrow, Karl Scheidegger, Eric Ravussin, Barbara V. Howard, Ethan A H Sims, Edward S. Horton, Lewis Landsberg

*Corresponding author for this work

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29 Scopus citations


To assess whether thermogenesis or sympathetic nervous system (SNS) function might differ between lean and obese human subjects, studies of thermic and sympathetic responses to standard stimuli were undertaken in Pima Indians, an ethnic group with a high prevalence of obesity. Plasma levels of norepinephrine (NE) and energy expenditure at rest and in response to feeding, exercise, and graded infusions of NE were compared in five lean and five obese Indians during a period of weight maintenance (WM), after 3 weeks of overfeeding (OF) and, in the obese, also after 6 weeks of underfeeding (UF). Basal energy expenditure, when adjusted for fat free mass, was equivalent during WM and increased 3% with OF (P < 0.01) in both groups. Thermic responses to exercise or a test meal did not differ in lean and obese and did not change with OF, while thermic responses to NE infusion fell during OF to a greater degree in obese than lean (P < 0.05). A similar pattern (decreased effect in obese with OF) was also noted in the glycemic response to infused NE (P < 0.05). Although not quantitatively different in lean and obese, the plasma NE concentration appeared to vary more in response to feeding or dietary alteration in the obese than lean, a finding that may reflect lower plasma clearance of NE in the obese. These studies, therefore, raise the possibility that overfeeding in obese Pima Indians may limit the contribution of sympathetically mediated thermogenesis to energy expenditure, though the implications of this for body weight regulation are speculative.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1110-1120
Number of pages11
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 1986


From the Metabolic Unit, Department of Medicine, University of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington; Charles A. Dana Research Institute and Thorndike Laboratory Department of Medicine, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston; and Clinical Diabetes and Nutrition Section, National Institute of Arthritis, Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Phoenix. Supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health: USPHS Grants AM 18535 and AM 6-2219-Mod 8. AM F32-062683, AG 00599. AM 20378, and HL 24084. Address reprint requests to James B. Young, MD, Department of Medicine, Beth Israel Hospital, 330 Brookline Ave. Boston, MA 02215. o 1986 by Grune & Stratton, Inc. 0026-0495/86/3512-ooo7S03.00/0

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Endocrinology
  • Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism


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