Enhanced Hydrogen Bonding by Urea Functionalization Tunes the Stability and Biological Properties of Peptide Amphiphiles

Huihua Xing, Caleb Wigham, Sieun Ruth Lee, Aramis J. Pereira, Luana J. de Campos, Agustín S. Picco, Cristián Huck-Iriart, Carlos Escudero, Laura Perez-Chirinos, Sandun Gajaweera, Jeffrey Comer, Ivan R. Sasselli, Samuel I. Stupp, R. Helen Zha, Martin Conda-Sheridan*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Self-assembled nanostructures such as those formed by peptide amphiphiles (PAs) are of great interest in biological and pharmacological applications. Herein, a simple and widely applicable chemical modification, a urea motif, was included in the PA’s molecular structure to stabilize the nanostructures by virtue of intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Since the amino acid residue nearest to the lipid tail is the most relevant for stability, we decided to include the urea modification at that position. We prepared four groups of molecules (13 PAs in all), with varying levels of intermolecular cohesion, using amino acids with distinct β-sheet promoting potential and/or containing hydrophobic tails of distinct lengths. Each subset contained one urea-modified PA and nonmodified PAs, all with the same peptide sequence. The varied responses of these PAs to variations in pH, temperature, counterions, and biologically related proteins were examined using microscopic, X-ray, spectrometric techniques, and molecular simulations. We found that the urea group contributes to the stabilization of the morphology and internal arrangement of the assemblies against environmental stimuli for all peptide sequences. In addition, microbiological and biological studies were performed with the cationic PAs. These assays reveal that the addition of urea linkages affects the PA-cell membrane interaction, showing the potential to increase the selectivity toward bacteria. Our data indicate that the urea motif can be used to tune the stability of a wide range of PA nanostructures, allowing flexibility on the biomaterial’s design and opening a myriad of options for clinical therapies.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)2823-2837
Number of pages15
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 13 2024


We want to give special thanks to Dr. Liam Palmer for editing the manuscript and for scientific feedback. HX thanks for the support from an UNMC fellowship. The authors further acknowledge the Electron Microscopy Core Facility (Tom Bargar and Nicholas Conoan) and Nanoimaging Core Facility (Alexander Lushnikov) at UNMC for experimental assistance. SAXS measurements were also performed at the NCD-SWEET beamline at the ALBA synchrotron (project ID: 2020024345). In addition, preliminary SAXS experiments were performed at the SAXS-1 beamline of the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS-CNPEM, Campinas, Brazil; proposal SAXS-1 20190212). A.S.P and C.H.I are staff members of CONICET and acknowledge its support. A.S.P acknowledges UNLP and C.H.I UNSAM for their support. The FT-IR measurements were performed at the Center for Cooperative Research in Biomaterials CIC biomaGUNE under the Maria de Maeztu Units of Excellence Programme \u2013 Grant MDM-2017-0720 and Grant PRE2019-090076 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and \u201CESF Investing in your future\u201D and supported by Spanish State Training Subprogramme PRE2019-090076. IRS acknowledges financial support from Gipuzkoa Foru Aldundia (Gipuzkoa Fellows Program, Diputacion Foral de Gipuzkoa: 2019-FELL-000017-01) and Ramon y Cajal Program (RYC2021-033294-I). The Cryo-EM studies were supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, under award no. DE-SC0020884 MC-S thanks the support of the National Science Foundation (NSF), CAREER Award DMR-1941731. RHZ and CW acknowledge the support of the NSF, CAREER Award DMR-2045510. IRS acknowledges financial support from Maria de Maeztu Unit of Excellence (MDM-2017-0720), Gipuzkoa Foru Aldundia (Gipuzkoa Fellows Program, Diputacion Foral de Gipuzkoa: 2019-FELL-000017-01), Ramon y Cajal Program (RYC2021-033294-I), and Spanish State Research Agency (PID2022-136392NA-I00).

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Bioengineering
  • Biomaterials
  • Polymers and Plastics
  • Materials Chemistry


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