Erectile dysfunction in patients with spina bifida is a treatable condition

Jeffrey S. Palmer*, William E. Kaplan, Casimir F. Firlit

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77 Scopus citations


Purpose: Now that individuals with spina bifida live well into adulthood erectile dysfunction has become a recognized associated medical disorder. To our knowledge no study has dealt specifically with treatment of erectile dysfunction in men with spina bifida. Therefore, we conducted a prospective, blinded, randomized, placebo controlled, dose escalation, crossover study to determine the ability to treat erectile dysfunction in men with spina bifida with sildenafil citrate. Materials and Methods: Erectile dysfunction was diagnosed in 15 men 19 to 35 years old with spina bifida who were assigned to take 4 sets of tablets, 5 tablets per set, in a random order. All patients took 25 and 50 mg. sildenafil and 2 identical looking sets of corresponding placebos 1 hour before planned sexual activity. Efficacy was assessed by the effect of treatment compared to baseline, that is before treatment, on rating of erections (scored from 0 to 10), duration of erections, frequency of erections based on response to question 1 (scored from 0 to 5) of the International Index of Erectile Function and confidence to obtain an erection based on response to question 15 (scored from i to 5) of the International Index of Erectile Function. Results: Improved erectile function was reported while on sildenafil by 12 (80%) men compared to baseline and placebos. There was a significant dose dependent improvement of erectile function with both 25 and 50 mg. sildenafil compared to baseline (p <0.05), as mean erectile score increased by 50% and 88%, mean duration of erections increased by 192% and 266%, mean frequency of erections increased by 61% and 96%, and mean level of confidence increased by 33% and 63%, respectively. Furthermore, 50 mg. sildenafil provided greater improvement in all 4 parameters compared to 25 mg. The placebo results were not significantly different compared to baseline for any of the parameters. Conclusions: Erectile dysfunction in patients with spina bifida is a medically treatable condition. Sildenafil is effective in this patient population and improves level of sexual confidence.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)958-961
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of Urology
Issue number3 II
StatePublished - Sep 2000


  • Impotence
  • Meningomyelocele
  • Spinal dysraphism

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Urology


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