Estimating Cochlear Frequency Selectivity with Stimulus-frequency Otoacoustic Emissions in Chinchillas

Karolina K. Charaziak*, Jonathan H. Siegel

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19 Scopus citations


It has been suggested that the tuning of the cochlear filters can be derived from measures of otoacoustic emissions (OAEs). Two approaches have been proposed to estimate cochlear frequency selectivity using OAEs evoked with a single tone (stimulus-frequency (SF)) OAEs: based on SFOAE group delays (SF-GDs) and on SFOAE suppression tuning curves (SF-STCs). The aim of this study was to evaluate whether either SF-GDs or SF-STCs obtained with low probe levels (30 dB SPL) correlate with more direct measures of cochlear tuning (compound action potential suppression tuning curves (CAP-STCs)) in chinchillas. The SFOAE-based estimates of tuning covaried with CAP-STCs tuning for >3 kHz probe frequencies, indicating that these measures are related to cochlear frequency selectivity. However, the relationship may be too weak to predict tuning with either SFOAE method in an individual. The SF-GD prediction of tuning was sharper than CAP-STC tuning. On the other hand, SF-STCs were consistently broader than CAP-STCs implying that SFOAEs may have less restricted region of generation in the cochlea than CAPs. Inclusion of <3 kHz data in a statistical model resulted in no significant or borderline significant covariation among the three methods: neither SFOAE test appears to reliably estimate an individual’s CAP-STC tuning at low-frequencies. At the group level, SF-GDs and CAP-STCs showed similar tuning at low frequencies, while SF-STCs were over five times broader than the CAP-STCs indicating that low-frequency SFOAE may originate over a very broad region of the cochlea extending ≥5 mm basal to the tonotopic place of the probe.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)883-896
Number of pages14
JournalJARO - Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology
Issue number6
StatePublished - Nov 5 2014


Supported by NIH Grant DC-00419 (M. Ruggero), and Northwestern University. The authors thank Dr. Sumitrajit Dhar and Dr. Steven Zecker for help with statistical analyses. Many thanks to Dr. Mario Ruggero for helpful comments on the manuscript.


  • CAP
  • frequency selectivity
  • tuning curve

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Sensory Systems
  • Otorhinolaryngology


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