Evidence-based clinical practice guideline: Autologous breast reconstruction with DIEP or pedicled TRAM abdominal flaps

Bernard T. Lee, Jayant P. Agarwal, Jeffrey A. Ascherman, Stephanie A. Caterson, Diedra D. Gray, Scott T. Hollenbeck, Seema A. Khan, Lauren D. Loeding, Raman C. Mahabir, Archibald S. Miller, Galen Perdikis, Jaime S. Schwartz, Beth A. Sieling, Achilles Thoma, Judith Wolfman, Jean L. Wright

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

38 Scopus citations


The American Society of Plastic Surgeons commissioned a multi-stakeholder Work Group to develop recommendations for autologous breast reconstruction with abdominal flaps. A systematic literature review was performed and a stringent appraisal process was used to rate the quality of relevant scientific research. The Work Group assigned to draft this guideline was unable to find evidence of superiority of one technique over the other (deep inferior epigastric perforator versus pedicled transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap) in autologous tissue reconstruction of the breast after mastectomy. Presently, based on the evidence reported here, the Work Group recommends that surgeons contemplating breast reconstruction on their next patient consider the following: the patient’s preferences and risk factors, the setting in which the surgeon works (academic versus community practice), resources available, the evidence shown in this guideline, and, equally important, the surgeon’s technical expertise. Although theoretical superiority of one technique may exist, this remains to be reported in the literature, and future methodologically robust studies are needed.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)651e-664e
JournalPlastic and reconstructive surgery
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2017


funded exclusively by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons; no outside commercial funding was received to support the development of this article. All contributors and preparers of the guideline, including ASPS staff and consultants, disclosed all relevant conflicts of interest via an online disclosure reporting database. In accordance with the Institute of Medicine’s recommendations for guideline development, members with a conflict of interest represented less than half of the guideline Work Group. Bernard T. Lee, M.D., M.B.A., M.P.H., Work Group Chair, has no relevant disclosures; Jayant P. Agarwal, M.D., has received research support from Mentor Corporation, Life-Cell Corporation, DePuy Synthes, and NIH, as the PI in grants funded by DSM Biomedical, and served as a consultant for DonJoy Orthopedics; Jeffrey A. Ascherman, M.D., Stephanie A. Ca-terson, M.D., Diedra D. Gray, M.P.H., Scott T. Hollenbeck, M.D., Seema A. Khan, M.D., Lauren D. Loeding, M.P.H., Raman C. Mahabir, M.D., and Archibald S. Miller, M.D., have no relevant disclosures; Galen Perdikis, M.D., has served as a teacher for IHE; Jaime S. Schwartz, M.D., has received research support from Covidien, Ltd, and served on the Advisory Board of Mentor Corporation, receiving honorarium; Beth A. Sieling, M.D., has served as a consultant for Myriad and Genomic Health; Achilles Thoma, M.D., has no relevant disclosures; Judith A. Wolfman, M.D., has served on the Advisory Board of Hologic; Jean L. Wright, M.D., has no relevant disclosures.

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  • Surgery


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