Evidence of an east-dipping slab beneath the southern end of the Philippine Trench (1°N–6°N) as revealed by ISC-EHB

Po Fei Chen*, Mei Chien, Craig R. Bina, Hung Yu Yen, Erlinton Antonio Olavere

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5 Scopus citations


We examine recently released global seismic datasets in 3D visualization to study slab configurations in the Mindanao-Molucca region, where the present-day arc-arc collision of divergent double subduction propagates northward and attains completion on Mindanao Island, Philippines. The activity of inter-plate thrust earthquakes in the Philippine Trench is not significant until Mindanao (6°N) is reached, while shallow earthquakes on the island exhibit predominantly strike-slip movements on the Cotabato and Philippine Faults. The spatial distributions of GCMT thrust-type earthquakes shallower than 60 km reveal that current collisions mostly occur along the Central and Talaud-Miangas Ridges. ISC-EHB events deeper than 80 km, as well as Slab2 contours, show the eastward-dipping trench of the Halmahera slab flipping to the westward-dipping Philippine Trench northward. We identify a zone of ISC-EHB earthquakes steeply dipping to the east beneath the southern end of the Philippine Trench (1°N–6°N) that is not modeled by Slab2. This feature of a steeply east-dipping slab is explained by collision of the subduction arc and is consistent with steeply plunging T-axes of earthquakes. The identification of the east-dipping slab and estimation of its extent are crucial for understanding geodynamic and plate-boundary evolution in the Mindanao-Molucca region.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number100034
JournalJournal of Asian Earth Sciences: X
StatePublished - Dec 1 2020


We thank Prof. E. Robert Engdahl and one anonymous reviewer for constructive comments. This work was supported by the Taiwan Earthquake Research Center (TEC) funded through the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of Taiwan with Grant Number 108-2116-M-008-009 and by the Central Weather Bureau with Grant Number MOTC-CWB-109-E-05 . The TEC contribution number for this article is 00164. Some figures were prepared with the Generic Mapping Tools ( Wessel and Smith, 1998 ).


  • Divergent double subduction
  • East-dipping slab beneath Philippine Trench
  • Halmahera slab
  • Mindanao-Molucca region
  • Subduction polarity flip

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Geology
  • Earth-Surface Processes


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