Expression of λ and κ Genes Can Occur in All B Cells and is Initiated Around the Same Pre-B-Cell Developmental Stage

Lynn Doglio, Joo Yeun Kim, Grazyna Bozek, Ursula Storb*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


Transgenic mice that carry a λ2 transgene under the control of the VX2 promoter and the Ελ2-4 enhancer (λ2Ελ mice) are described. A high proportion of B cells in the spleen and the bone marrow express the λ transgene on the cell membrane. λ2 protein is synthesized by all λ2Eλ-derived spleen B-cell hybridomas that have retained the transgene, suggesting that all B cells have the ability to express λ genes. Feedback inhibition of endogenous K-gene rearrangement is significant, but not complete. The results are similar to those with transgenic mice expressing the same λ2 transgene under the control of the heavy-chain enhancer (λ2ΕΗ mice). Although the λ2ΕΗ transgene is expressed before the λ2Ελ transgene, feedback inhibition seems to occur at about the same stage of B-cell development, regardless of the timing of expression of the λ transgenes. Apparently, feedback is not necessarily coincident with the assembly of a heavy-chain/light-chain complex in pre-B cells. Expression of λ in the normal fetal liver coincides with the expression of κ; thus, it appears that λ-gene transcription is not delayed. The differential rearrangement of κ and λ genes is discussed in the light of these findings.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)13-26
Number of pages14
JournalDevelopmental Immunology
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1994


  • feedback inhibition of Ig-gene rearrangement
  • mouse λ genes
  • κ/λ isotypic exclusion

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Immunology
  • Developmental Biology


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