Highly efficient light-trapping structure design inspired by natural evolution

Chen Wang*, Shuangcheng Yu, Wei Chen, Cheng Sun

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

97 Scopus citations


Recent advances in nanophotonic light trapping open up the new gateway to enhance the absorption of solar energy beyond the so called Yablonovitch Limit. It addresses the urgent needs in developing low cost thin-film solar photovoltaic technologies. However, current design strategy mainly relies on the parametric approach that is subject to the predefined topological design concepts based on physical intuition. Incapable of dealing with the topological variation severely constrains the design of optimal light trapping structure. Inspired by natural evolution process, here we report a design framework driven by topology optimization based on genetic algorithms to achieve a highly efficient light trapping structure. It has been demonstrated that the optimal light trapping structures obtained in this study exhibit more than 3-fold increase over the Yablonovitch Limit with the broadband absorption efficiency of 48.1%, beyond the reach of intuitive designs.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number1025
JournalScientific reports
StatePublished - 2013


We thank Yi Xiong for providing the original RCWA code and Biqin Dong for fruitful discussion on optical simulations. This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant number CMMI-1130640, CMMI-0955195, and CMMI-0751621.

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