Just-in-time-teaching with interactive frequent formative feedback (JiT-TIFFF or JTF) for cyber learning in core materials courses

Stephen J. Krause, Dale R. Baker, Adam R. Carberry, Milo Koretsky, Bill Jay Brooks, Debra Gilbuena, Cindy Waters, Casey Jane Ankeny

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

5 Scopus citations


In this new NSF-sponsored Type 2 TUES (Transformation of Undergraduate Engineering in STEM) project, we are using engagement, assessment, and reflection tools developed in a successful CCLI Phase 1 project and are adapting them to the internet as tools for an interactive cyber-enabled web learning environment. They include: 1) Blackboard, 2) Concept Warehouse (cw.edudiv.org), 3) Concept Inventory Hub (ciHub) (dev.cihub.org/), 4) YouTube Video Tutorial Screencasts for Materials Concepts (www.youtube.com/user/MaterialsConcepts), Google.docs Survey (docs.google.com), and a vocabulary building site, Quizlet (http://quizlet.com/matsciasu). Blackboard is a web-based, class management system for education organizations that has a wide variety of tools available including: class note distribution; quiz and survey administration; communication; and grade recording, tracking and analysis. The Concept Warehouse is a cyberenabled site for facilitating conceptual learning in Chemical Engineering with large sets of concept-based clicker questions (or ConcepTests) for core chemical engineering classes. An instructor can immediately access results to from Concept Warehouse to address student-learning issues by adjusting teaching strategy and instruction. The ciHub is a cyber-enabled site for the administration and analysis of Concept Inventories for engineering education. The Materials Concepts YouTube site is the location of a series of Muddiest Point YouTube Tutorials as well as an Interactive Quick Quiz on Eutectic Phase Diagram Calculations and Microstructures. It uses short screencast tutorials to address students' Muddiest Points, i.e. content that is still unclear from class. Using these cyber-enabled tools in and out of class has potential to increase effectiveness and efficiency of learning using frequent formative feedback to students. Innovations from CCLI 1 are reflected in a new project title, Just-in-Time-Teaching (JiTT) with Interactive Frequent Formative Feedback (JiTTIFFF or JTF). The approach is being implemented in four settings that have diverse populations: Arizona State University, North Carolina A&T State University, Oregon Institute of Technology, and Oregon State University. The CCLI 1 showed strongly positive student outcomes when new strategies and tools were used for instruction informed by a multi-level, assessment-driven frequent formative feedback loops and contextualization of activities and assessments with real-world applications. Compared to lecture-based pedagogy, constructivist pedagogy showed greater conceptual learning gains, improved student attitude, and increased class persistence. In this paper we are reporting on the benefits and issues of implementing classroom change using the JTF strategies with a particular emphasis on the different methods of using cyber-enabled web tools to provide frequent formative feedback to students. The methodology and impact of implementing frequent formative feedback in the JTF project is discussed along with the impact on student's attitude, achievement and persistence. Overall, innovative new approaches to providing feedback to students are being employed including: Clicker Questions (ConcepTests and Socrative.com); Muddiest Point YouTube Video Tutorial Screencasts; Muddiest Point restructured slide sets and consolidated lecture-by-lecture course materials on Blackboard; and Homework Preview Problems. Results have shown very positive reactions by students to such strategies, as well as improved learning and retention.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publication120th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition
StatePublished - Sep 24 2013
Event120th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition - Atlanta, GA, United States
Duration: Jun 23 2013Jun 26 2013


Other120th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityAtlanta, GA

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Engineering


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