Kidney cancer

Robert J. Motzer, Neeraj Agarwal, Clair Beard, Graeme B. Bolger, Barry Boston, Michael A. Carducci, Toni K. Choueiri, Robert A. Figlin, Mayer Fishman, Steven L. Hancock, Gary R. Hudes, Eric Jonasch, Anne Kessinger, Timothy M. Kuzel, Paul H. Lange, Ellis G. Levine, Kim A. Margolin, M. Dror Michaelson, Thomas Olencki, Roberto PiliBruce G. Redman, Cary N. Robertson, Lawrence H. Schwartz, Joel Sheinfeld, Jue Wang

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

173 Scopus citations


In 2008, an estimated 54,390 Americans were diagnosed with and 13,010 died of kidney cancer in the United States. The rate of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) has increased 2% per year for the past 65 years. Smoking and obesity are among the risk factors for RCC development, with tumor grade, local extent of the tumor, presence of regional nodal metastases, and evidence of metastatic disease at presentation the most important prognostic determinants of 5-year survival. These guidelines discuss evaluation, staging, treatment, and management after treatment. Important updates for 2009 include the addition of everolimus as second-line therapy after a tyrosine kinase inhibitor and the change to a category 1 recommendation for bevaciumab and interferon for first-line therapy for clear cell histologies.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)618-630
Number of pages13
JournalJNCCN Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2009


  • Clear cell tumors
  • Kidney disease
  • NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines
  • Nephrectomy
  • Renal cell carcinoma

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Oncology


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