Luminidependens (LD) is an Arabidopsis protein with prion behavior

Sohini Chakrabortee, Can Kayatekin, Greg A. Newby, Marc L. Mendillo, Alex Lancaster, Susan Lindquist*

*Corresponding author for this work

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136 Scopus citations


Prion proteins provide a unique mode of biochemical memory through self-perpetuating changes in protein conformation and function. They have been studied in fungi and mammals, but not yet identified in plants. Using a computational model, we identified candidate prion domains (PrDs) in nearly 500 plant proteins. Plant flowering is of particular interest with respect to biological memory, because its regulation involves remembering and integrating previously experienced environmental conditions. We investigated the prion-forming capacity of three prion candidates involved in flowering using a yeast model, where prion attributes are well defined and readily tested. In yeast, prions heritably change protein functions by templating monomers into higherorder assemblies. For most yeast prions, the capacity to convert into a prion resides in a distinct prion domain. Thus, new prionforming domains can be identified by functional complementation of a known prion domain. The prion-like domains (PrDs) of all three of the tested proteins formed higher-order oligomers. Uniquely, the Luminidependens PrD (LDPrD) fully replaced the prion-domain functions of a well-characterized yeast prion, Sup35. Our results suggest that prion-like conformational switches are evolutionarily conserved and might function in a wide variety of normal biological processes.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)6065-6070
Number of pages6
JournalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Issue number21
StatePublished - May 24 2016


We thank G. Karras, B. Bevis, L. K. Clayton, P. Narayan, and D. Landgraf, along with other members of the S.L. laboratory for materials, helpful discussions, and comments on the manuscript. This work was also supported by grants from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Harold and Leila Mathers Charitable Foundation, and the Eleanor Schwartz Charitable Foundation (to S.L.). S.L. is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator. S.C. was supported by a Broodbank Fellowship and as a Former Fellow of Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge. G.A.N. was supported by an NSF graduate research fellowship.


  • Luminidependens
  • Plant prion domains
  • Prions

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