Materials Prediction via Classification Learning

Prasanna V. Balachandran, James Theiler, James M. Rondinelli, Turab Lookman*

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71 Scopus citations


In the paradigm of materials informatics for accelerated materials discovery, the choice of feature set (i.e. attributes that capture aspects of structure, chemistry and/or bonding) is critical. Ideally, the feature sets should provide a simple physical basis for extracting major structural and chemical trends and furthermore, enable rapid predictions of new material chemistries. Orbital radii calculated from model pseudopotential fits to spectroscopic data are potential candidates to satisfy these conditions. Although these radii (and their linear combinations) have been utilized in the past, their functional forms are largely justified with heuristic arguments. Here we show that machine learning methods naturally uncover the functional forms that mimic most frequently used features in the literature, thereby providing a mathematical basis for feature set construction without a priori assumptions. We apply these principles to study two broad materials classes: (i) wide band gap AB compounds and (ii) rare earth-main group RM intermetallics. The AB compounds serve as a prototypical example to demonstrate our approach, whereas the RM intermetallics show how these concepts can be used to rapidly design new ductile materials. Our predictive models indicate that ScCo, ScIr, and YCd should be ductile, whereas each was previously proposed to be brittle.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number13285
JournalScientific reports
StatePublished - Aug 25 2015


P.V.B., T.L. and J.T. acknowledge funding support from the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) DR (#20140013DR) on Materials Informatics. J.M.R. acknowledges support from NSF-DMR 1454688. P.V.B. thanks J. Hogden for comments on the paper. P.V.B. thanks M. Sanati for bringing the RM intermetallics problem to our attention and M. Topsakal for assistance with the Dy-pseudopotentials. P.V.B. also thanks J. Gubernatis and G. Pilania for insightful discussions. DFT calculations were performed using the Institutional Computing (IC) resources at LANL.

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