Measurement of the ratio σn σp in inelastic muon-nucleon scattering at very low χ and Q2

M. R. Adams*, S. Aïd, P. L. Anthony, M. D. Baker, J. Bartlett, A. A. Bhatti, H. M. Braun, W. Busza, T. J. Carroll, J. M. Conrad, G. Coutrakon, R. Davisson, I. Derado, S. K. Dhawan, W. Dougherty, T. Dreyer, K. Dziunikowska, V. Eckardt, U. Ecker, M. ErdmannA. Eskreys, J. Figiel, H. J. Gebauer, D. F. Geesaman, R. Gilman, M. C. Green, J. Haas, C. Halliwell, J. Hanlon, D. Hantke, V. W. Hughes, H. E. Jackson, D. E. Jaffe, G. Jancso, D. M. Jansen, S. Kaufman, R. D. Kennedy, T. Kirk, H. G E Kobrak, S. Krzywdzinski, S. Kunori, J. J. Lord, H. J. Lubatti, D. McLeod, S. Magill, P. Malecki, A. Manz, H. Melanson, D. G. Michael, W. Mohr, H. E. Montgomery, J. G. Morfin, R. B. Nickerson, S. O'Day, K. Olkiewicz, L. Osborne, V. Papavassiliou, B. Pawlik, F. M. Pipkin, E. J. Ramberg, A. Röser, J. J. Ryan, A. Salvarani, H. Schellman, M. Schmitt, N. Schmitz, K. P. Schüler, H. J. Seyerlein, A. Skuja, G. A. Snow, S. Söldner-Rembold, P. H. Steinberg, H. E. Stier, P. Stopa, R. A. Swanson, R. Talaga, S. Tentindo-Repond, H. J. Trost, H. Venkataramania, M. Vidal, M. Wilhelm, J. Wilkes, Richard Wilson, W. Wittek, S. A. Wolbers, T. Zhao

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


We present results on the cross-section ratio for inelastic muon scattering on neutrons and protons as a function of Bjorken chi;. The data extend to χ values two orders of magnitude smaller than in previous measurements, down to 2×10-5, for Q2>0.01 GeV2. The ratio is consistent with unity throughout this new range.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)477-482
Number of pages6
JournalPhysics Letters B
Issue number3-4
StatePublished - Jul 15 1993


We wish to thank all thosep ersonnelb, othat Fer-milab and at the participatinign stitutionsw, ho have contributedto the successo f this experimentT. his work was performeda t the Fermi NationalA cceler-ator Laboratoryw, hich is operatedb y Universities ResearchA ssociationI,n c.,u nderc ontracDt E-AC02-76CHO3000w iththe U.S. Departmenotf E nergyT. he work of the Universityo f California,S an Diego was supporteidn partb ythe NationaSl cienceF oundation, contracnt umbersP HY82-05900P, HY85-11584a, nd PHY88-10221t;h e Universityo f Illinois at Chicago by NSF contractP HY88-11164a; nd the University of Washingtonb y NSF contractn umbersP HY83-13347a nd PHY86-13003T. he Universityo f Washington was also supportedb y the U.S. Department of Energy. The work of Argonne National Laboratory was supportedb y the Departmenot f Energy, NuclearP hysicsD ivision,u nderC ontracNt o. W-31-109-ENG-38T. he Departmenotf Energy,H igh Energy Physics Division, supportedth e work of Harvard Universityt,h eU nversityo f Marylandt, heMas-sachussettIsn stituteo f Technologyu nderContract No. DE-AC02-76ER03069N,o rthwesterUnn iversity underC ontractN o. DE-FG02-91E R40684,a ndYale University.T he Albert-LudwigUs niversit/ita nd the Universityo f Wuppertawl eres upporteidn partb y the Bundesministeriufm'tir Forschungu nd Technologie.

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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