Multiple Myeloma, version 3.2018: Featured updates to the NCCN guidelines

Shaji K. Kumar, Natalie S. Callander, Melissa Alsina, Djordje Atanackovic, J. Sybil Biermann, Jorge Castillo, Jason C. Chandler, Caitlin Costello, Matthew Faiman, Henry C. Fung, Kelly Godby, Craig Hofmeister, Leona Holmberg, Sarah Holstein, Carol Ann Huff, Yubin Kang, Adetola Kassim, Michaela Liedtke, Ehsan Malek, Thomas MartinVishala T. Neppalli, James Omel, Noopur Raje, Seema Singhal, George Somlo, Keith Stockerl-Goldstein, Donna Weber, Joachim Yahalom, Rashmi Kumar, Dorothy A. Shead

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

111 Scopus citations


The NCCN Guidelines for Multiple Myeloma provide recommendations for diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, including supportive-care, and follow-up for patients with myeloma. These NCCN Guidelines Insights highlight the important updates/changes specific to the myeloma therapy options in the 2018 version of the NCCN Guidelines.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)11-20
Number of pages10
JournalJNCCN Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 1 2018


This activity is supported by educational grants from AstraZeneca, Celldex Therapeutics, Celgene Corporation, Genentech, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, and Seattle Genetics, Inc. This activity is supported by independent educational grants from AbbVie, Merck & Co., Inc. and NOVOCURE.

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Oncology


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