Multipurpose prevention technologies: Products in development

David R. Friend*, Justin T. Clark, Patrick F. Kiser, Meredith R. Clark

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49 Scopus citations


Multipurpose prevention technologies (MPTs) are broadly defined as products capable of simultaneously addressing multiple sexual and reproductive health needs including unintended pregnancy, STIs including HIV-1, and other reproductive tract infections. MPTs have been discussed for a few decades but little product development has occurred. With the recent proof-of-concept that a topically applied antiretroviral (ARV) can effectively reduce sexual transmission of HIV-1 (tenofovir 1% gel) the impetus to develop MPTs is gaining momentum. Products currently in development are broadly categorized as either long-acting or on-demand. Long-acting MPTs include intravaginal rings (IVRs) and long-acting injectable products. Several IVR MPTs are under development including one designed to release tenofovir to prevent transmission of HIV-1 and levonorgestrel (LNG) to prevent unintended pregnancy over a 90-day period. Another MPT IVR under development is designed to release the ARV dapivirine and LNG for 2 months. Long-acting injectable pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) formulations of rilpivirine (TMC278) and GSK1265744 have entered clinical evaluation and could form the basis of long-acting injectable products for HIV-1 prevention and prevention of unintended pregnancy. On-demand products include TFV 1% gel (HIV-1/HSV-2 prevention), a zinc/carrageenan zinc gel (HIV-1/HSV-2 prevention), and the SILCS diaphragm administered with TFV 1% gel. Significant technical, funding, and regulatory hurdles must be overcome to develop most MPTs; however, the significant reproductive health benefits to many women around the world should provide motivation to overcome these hurdles. This article is based on a presentation at the "Product Development Workshop 2013: HIV and Multipurpose Prevention Technologies", held in Arlington, Virginia on February 21-22, 2013. It forms part of a special supplement to Antiviral Research.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)s39-s47
JournalAntiviral Research
Issue numberSUPPL.
StatePublished - Dec 2013


The support of USAID through Cooperative Agreements GPO-A-00-08-00005-00, APS-OAA-10-00003, and AID-OAA-11-00064 is gratefully acknowledged. The views expressed are not necessarily those of USAID.


  • Contraception
  • HIV-1 prevention
  • Herpes simplex virus-2 prevention
  • Multipurpose prevention technologies

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Virology
  • Pharmacology


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