Negotiating Problems of Practice in Research-Practice Design Partnerships

William R. Penuel, Cynthia Ellen Coburn, Daniel J Gallagher

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


This chapter focuses on how researchers and practitioners negotiate the focus of their joint work within design-based implementation research (DBIR). Studying and facilitating successful negotiation of the problems that become the focus of work and the search for solutions is important for developing DBIR, because of its commitment to focusing on persistent problems of practice from multiple stakeholders' perspectives. Case studies of two different research-practice partnerships provide a context for exploring two different perspectives on negotiation. In one case study, the notion of partnerships as forms of cultural exchange across institutional boundaries that differ with respect to goals, norms, and practices is used to analyze a design partnership focused on repurposing curriculum units in elementary science. In the second case study, the concept of framing as developed in social movement theory is used to illuminate issues of status and authority within a partnership between a district and researchers. The chapter concludes by describing the contributions of each perspective to an understanding of how teams jointly negotiate the focus of their work and by providing some recommendations for how teams can do so successfully.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)237-255
Number of pages19
JournalYearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2013


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