Perspectives on health-care resource management problems

Jonathan Turner, Sanjay Mehrotra, Mark S. Daskin

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

9 Scopus citations


Research devoted to health-care applications has grown increasingly within operations research over the past 30 years, with over 200 presentations at the 2008 INFORMS conference. Resource management is of particular importance within healthcare because of the system’s unique objectives and challenges.We provide a perspective of the current health-care literature, focusing on recent papers in planning and scheduling and reviewing them along four dimensions: (1) who or what is being scheduled, (2) the time horizon of the scheduling or planning, (3) the level of uncertainty inherent in the planning, and (4) the decision criteria. With this perspective on the literature we observe that the problems at the extreme ends of the time dimension deserve more attention: long-term planning/staffing and real-time task assignment.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationInternational Series in Operations Research and Management Science
PublisherSpringer New York LLC
Number of pages17
StatePublished - 2010

Publication series

NameInternational Series in Operations Research and Management Science
ISSN (Print)0884-8289

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Software
  • Computer Science Applications
  • Strategy and Management
  • Management Science and Operations Research
  • Applied Mathematics


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