Photoacoustic measurements of multiple-photon infrared absorption by alkyl chlorides and hexadienes

Thomas A. Seder*, Eric Weitz

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


The multiple-photon absorption behavior of a series of alkyl chlorides and a number of hexadiene isomers has been examined in order to elucidate the dependence of absorption cross section on fluence. Measurements of absorbed energy via a photoacoustic technique show that, while a high density of states is necessary for an absorption cross section linear in fluence, other factors are also important. A photoacoustic technique for measuring absorbed energy by weakly absorbing molecules at low pressure is described.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)545-551
Number of pages7
JournalChemical Physics Letters
Issue number6
StatePublished - Feb 24 1984


We would lie to thank the National Science Foundation for support of this work under grant No. CJ3E82- 06976. The CO1 TEA laser was purchasedu nder National Science Foundation grant No. CHE76-84494.

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Physics and Astronomy
  • Physical and Theoretical Chemistry


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