C. Rudilosso*, V. T.V. Sharma, R. Govaerts, A. Laloux, P. B. Johns, P. J.B. Clarricoats, K. B. Chan, G. Niedermair, H. H. Meinke, R. Chatterjee, S. Virupaksha, M. A. Plonus, R. Pregla, A. Vander Vorst

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Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Following is a continuation of the list of titles and authors. Considerations for Establishing an Economical Microwave Communication Link for Developing Countries in the Tropics. By V. T. V. Sharma. Computer Determination of the Optimum Accelerating Factor for the Successive Over-Relaxation Method Used for Solving Propagation Problems. By R. Govaerts and A. Laloux. Numerical Calculations for Scattering in Waveguides Using a Transmission Line Matrix. By P. B. Johns. Computer Solution of Radically Inhomogeneous Waveguides. By P. J. B. Clarricoats and K. B. Chan. Dielectric Semisphere as Directive Element at Microwave Frequencies. By G. Niedermair and H. H. Meinke. Dielectric-Coated Spherically Tipped Metal Cone Antennas in the Symmetric TM-Mode at Microwave Frequencies. By R. Chatterjee and S. Virupaksha. Pulse Scattering from Dielectric Objects. By M. A. Plonus. Distributed Capacitances and Phase Velocities in Coupled Microstrip Lines. By R. Pregla. Propagation in Rectangular Waveguides Loaded with Dielectric Inserts. By R. Govaerts and A. Vander Vorst. New Approach to Microwave Link System Design. By C. Rudilosso.

Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - 1971
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Engineering


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