Prognostic factors in gestational trophoblastic tumors: A proposed new scoring system based on multivariate analysis

J. R. Lurain*, L. A. Casanova, D. S. Miller, A. W. Rademaker

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

78 Scopus citations


All 391 patients treated for gestational trophoblastic tumors (invasive mole and choriocarcinoma) at the John I. Brewer Trophoblastic Disease Center of Northwestern University between 1969 (when use of combination chemotherapy for initial treatment of high-risk disease came into general use) and 1988 were evaluated. Univariate and multivariate analyses were used to determine the relative importance of prognostic factors with respect to survival. The overall cure rate was 93% (363/391): 100% for 223 patients with nonmetastatic disease and 83% for 168 patients with metastatic disease. The only patients who died had a clinicopathologic diagnosis of metastatic choriocarcinoma. In addition to presence of metastasis (83% vs 100%, p < 0.0001) and diagnosis of choriocarcinoma (67% vs 100%, p < 0.0001), number of metastases (47% if >8 vs 92% if ≤8, p < 0.0001), metastases to sites other than the lung or vagina (52% vs 91%, p = 0.0002), and previous failed chemotherapy (46% vs 84%, p = 0.0014) demonstrated independent significant effects on survival in patients with metastatic disease. A Brewer score, based on our multivariate analysis of survival in patients with metastatic disease, provided predictability of outcome (likelihood ratio χ2 statistic, χ2 = 49.8) comparable to that with the World Health Organization score (χ2 = 45.3), both of which, in turn, were better predictors than either the traditional Hammond clinical classification system (χ2 = 34.4) or the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics stage (χ2 = 22.9).

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)611-616
Number of pages6
JournalAmerican journal of obstetrics and gynecology
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1991


  • Gestational trophoblastic disease
  • choriocarcinoma
  • trophoblastic tumors

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Obstetrics and Gynecology


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