Reactivity of Schiff base: Part-3 † -Amination of 2-/4-hydroxybenzylidene-2-aminobenzothiozole

R. K. Mishra*, S. Hota, B. K. Mishra, G. B. Behera

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1 Scopus citations


The animation reactions of 2-/4-hydroxybenzylidene-2-aminobenzothiazole (1a and 1b respectively) have been kinetically studied in chloroform medium. 1a is found to react faster than 1b. Both kinetic and spectral data support aggregation of both 1a and 1b in the experimental conditions. Aniline is also found to aggregate in chloroform beyond a limiting concentration. The higher reactivity of la supports the entrapment mechanism in which aniline molecule is entrapped by 1a making it more reactive than 1b. The reactivity of aniline is explained both by intra and inter molecular catalysis. The curvature in the plot of rate constant versus [substrate] has been explained by proposing an aggregation of the substrates in chloroform.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)200-205
Number of pages6
JournalIndian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry
Issue number3
StatePublished - Dec 1 1998

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry


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