Report of the nomenclature committee on fossils: 9

Patrick S. Herendeen*

*Corresponding author for this work

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3 Scopus citations


The following 15 generic names are recommended for conservation: Angaropteridium against Neurogangamopteris, Beania against Sphaereda, Bucklandia Brongn. against Bucklandia Sternb. and Conites, Coniopteris against Polystichites, Equisetites against Oncylogonatum with a conserved type, Juglandicarya against Hybothya with a conserved type, Lepidophloios against Yuccites, Lepidopteris against Aspidioides, Marattiopsis with a conserved type, Nilssonia with that spelling, Pityostrobus against Zamiostrobus, Scytophyllum Bornem. against Scytophyllum Eckl. & Zeyh., Sphenozamites with a conserved type, Verrucosisporites with that spelling, and Vertebraria Royle ex McCoy against Vertebraria Roussel. The following 3 species names are recommended for conservation: Beania gracilis against Sphaereda paradoxa, Equisetum columnare (Equisetites columnare) against Oncylogonatum carbonarium with a conserved type, and Scytophyllum bergeri with a conserved type. The following 4 generic names are not recommended for conservation: Carpolithus with that spelling, Crowella against Actinostrobites and Frenelites, Cyclodendron against Subsigillaria and Eusigillaria, and Pecopteris against Filicites, as also are the following 22 names, all originally hyphenated, and proposed for conservation with these spellings: Abiespollenites, Alatisporites, Apiculatasporites, Cicatricosisporites, Densosporites, Elongatosporites, Faguspollenites, Gnetaceaepollenites, Granulatisporites, Juglanspollenites, Palaeoavena, Piceaepollenites, Poacordaites, Pseudoaraucaria, Quercipollenites, Sabalpollenites, Sequoiapollenites, Setosisporites, Sparganiaceaepollenites, Tuberculatisporites, Ulmipollenites, Valvisporites. The following 2 species names are not recommended for conservation: Dalbergia reticulata Merr. against D. reticulata Ettingsh. and Sphenophyllum indicum (Vertebraria indica) against Vertebraria australis and Clasteria australis. The following family name is not recommended for conservation: Cheirolepidaceae. Change of authorship of Calamites, nom. cons. from Brongniart in 1828 to Sternberg in 1820 and the concomitant deletion of “Calamitis Sternb.”, nom. rej. was recommended. The following 3 names are recommended for outright rejection: Filicites, Frenelites, and Solenostrobus. The committee judged the names Cheirolepidiaceae and Cheirolepidaceae to be not confusable.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1306-1312
Number of pages7
Issue number6
StatePublished - Dec 31 2015

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
  • Plant Science


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