RNA profile of control and nicotine treated Murine Leydig single cell represented in TPM data

Jiajie Wu, Wangjie Xu, Dong Zhang, Jingbo Dai, Yong Cao, Yilin Xie, Lianyun Wang, Zhiguang Qiao, Zhongdong Qiao*

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Data provided in this article is RNA profile represented in RPKM and RPKM based TPM value for the research article titled Nicotine inhibits Murine Leydig cell differentiation and maturation via regulating Hedgehog signal pathway Jiajie et al., 2019. Nicotine treatment changes the RNA profile of Murine Leydig cells. RNA of 12 control group Leydig cells and 12 nicotine treated Leydig cells are sequenced and the data of 29943 genes are achieved. The information of the gene symbol, gene description, gene type, position and transcript length are provided.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number103825
JournalData in Brief
StatePublished - Jun 2019


The acquisition of the data was supported by High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) (No. SS2015AA020404 ).

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