Role of silicon in the precipitation kinetics of dilute Al-Sc-Er-Zr alloys

Nhon Q. Vo*, David C. Dunand, David N. Seidman

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

76 Scopus citations


The precipitate nanostructure and the strength of an Al-0.055Sc-0.005Er-0.02Zr at% alloy with Si additions, in the range 0–0.18 at%, were investigated utilizing micro-hardness, electrical conductivity, scanning electron microscopy and atom-probe tomography techniques. Si-containing alloys are cost-effective due to the existence of Si in commercial purity Al. In all studied alloys, homogenization for at least 0.5 h at 640 °C is needed to eliminate Al3Er primary precipitates. Alloys containing the higher Si concentrations achieve higher microhardness by increasing the heterogeneous nucleation current of (Al, Si)3 (Sc, Zr, Er) precipitates. The alloy containing 0.18 at% Si achieves an 60% improvement in peak-microhardness compared to the Si-free alloy, during isothermal aging at 400 °C. Silicon additions reduce the peak-aging time in the temperature range 300–400 °C, indicating that the Er and Sc diffusion kinetics are accelerated. Silicon also enhance the Zr diffusion kinetics, accelerating precipitate growth during aging at 300 °C and precipitate coarsening at 400 °C. Addition of Si modifies the concentration profiles within the nanoprecipitates, enhancing the chemical homogeneity of Sc and Er in their cores, rather than forming Er-enriched-cores/Sc-enriched-shells that we have observed in prior research. Finally, the microhardness of the alloys, containing 0.12 and 0.18 at% Si, only diminishes slightly from the peak values after isothermal aging at 375 °C for about 2000 h, suggesting that the studied alloys can be practically utilized at this operating temperature.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)485-495
Number of pages11
JournalMaterials Science and Engineering A
StatePublished - Nov 20 2016


This research was sponsored by the Ford-Boeing-Northwestern University Alliance ( 81132882 ). APT was performed at the Northwestern University Center for Atom-Probe Tomography (NUCAPT). The LEAP tomography system was purchased and upgraded with funding from NSF-MRI ( DMR-0420532 ) and ONR-DURIP ( N00014-0400798 , N00014-0610539 and N00014-0910781 ) grants. The authors also gratefully acknowledge the Initiative for Sustainability and Energy at Northwestern (ISEN) for grants to upgrade the capabilities of NUCAPT. They kindly thank Drs. J. Boileau and B. Ghaffari (Ford), and Dr. R. Glamm (Boeing) for numerous useful discussions, Dr. D. Isheim (NU) for his assistance with atom-probe tomography, Mr. P. Bocchini (NU) for his assistance with casting, heat treatment, and many useful discussions, and Dr. I Blum (NU) for his assistance with IVAS. DNS and DCD have financial interests in NanoAl LLC, which may benefit from the outcomes of this research upon its publication.


  • Al-Er-Sc-Zr alloy
  • Atom-probe tomography
  • High-temperature
  • Strengthening

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Materials Science
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Mechanics of Materials
  • Mechanical Engineering


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