Selective decrease of donor-reactive Tregs after liver transplantation limits Treg therapy for promoting allograft tolerance in humans

Qizhi Tang*, Joey Leung, Yani Peng, Alberto Sanchez-Fueyo, Juan Jose Lozano, Alice Lam, Karim Lee, John R. Greenland, Marc Hellerstein, Mark Fitch, Kelvin W. Li, Jonathan H. Esensten, Amy L. Putnam, Angela Lares, Vinh Nguyen, Weihong Liu, Nancy D. Bridges, Jonah Odim, Anthony J. Demetris, Josh LevitskyTimucin Taner, Sandy Feng*

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40 Scopus citations


Promoting immune tolerance to transplanted organs can minimize the amount of immunosuppressive drugs that patients need to take, reducing lifetime risks of mortality and morbidity. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are essential for immune tolerance, and preclinical studies have shown their therapeutic efficacy in inducing transplantation tolerance. Here, we report the results of a phase 1/2 trial (ARTEMIS, NCT02474199) of autologous donor alloantigen–reactive Treg (darTreg) therapy in individuals 2 to 6 years after receiving a living donor liver transplant. The primary efficacy endpoint was calcineurin inhibitor dose reduction by 75% with stable liver function tests for at least 12 weeks. Among 10 individuals who initiated immunosuppression withdrawal, 1 experienced rejection before planned darTreg infusion, 5 received darTregs, and 4 were not infused because of failure to manufacture the minimal infusible dose of 100 × 106 cells. darTreg infusion was not associated with adverse events. Two darTreg-infused participants reached the primary endpoint, but an insufficient number of recipients were treated for assessing the efficacy of darTregs. Mechanistic studies revealed generalized Treg activation, senescence, and selective reduction of donor reactivity after liver transplantation. Overall, the ARTEMIS trial features a design concept for evaluating the efficacy of Treg therapy in transplantation. The mechanistic insight gained from the study may help guide the design of future trials.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numbereabo2628
JournalScience translational medicine
Issue number669
StatePublished - Nov 2 2022


Acknowledgments:W ethankthefollowingindividualsfortheircontributiontothestudy: J.A.Bluestoneforhisadviceduringthedesignofthistrial;T .Sledgeforoverallmanagement andcoordinationoftheclinicaltrial;J.Goldsteinforregulatorysupport;D.Ikle,M.Sever,and K.Spainforstatisticalsupport;S.Blaschka,B.Block,A.Daud,J.G.Hanson,K.Harish,and D.Jakoubekforclinicaltrialadministra tion, conduct,andcoordinationatUCSF ,MayoClinic,and NorthwesternUniversity;L.Acevedo,F .Dekovic,G.Guinti,E.Lama,M.R.Lee,A.S.Leinbach, L. Masiello, B. R. Shy, A. Tam, and J. Xu for support of Treg manufacturing and Treg manufacturing database design and maintenance; J. Du for management of the UCSF Transplantation ResearchLab;F .Vincentiforprovidingpost-kidneytransplantsamples;andA.Shakedfor providingtheA WISH samples.Funding:ThestudyisfundedbyagrantfromNIAID 1U01AI104347(toS.F .andQ.T .). Authorcontributions:Q.T .andS.F .conceptualizedthestudy. N.D.B.andJ.O.providedtrialov ersight. S.F ., T .T ., J.Levitsky,andA.J.D.acquiredclinicaldata. J.H.E.,A.L.P ., A.Lares,K.L.,V .N., andW .L. acquireddarTregmanufacturingdata.J.Leung,A.Lam, andK.L.performedalloreactivefrequencyassays.J.Leungperformedspectralflow.Y .P . performedTCRsequencinganalysis.Y .P ., A.S.-F ., andJ.R.G.performedtheRNA-seq experiment.J.LeungandV .N. isolatedperipheralbloodTregsafterdarTreginfusionfor deuteriumanalyses.M.F .andM.H.quantifieddeuteriuminTregs.S.F ., T .T ., J.Levitsky,andA.J.D. analyzed clinical data. Q.T . and J.H.E. analyzed darTreg manufacturing data. J. Leung, Y .P ., A.S.-F ., J.-J.L.,K.L.,M.F ., M.H.,K.W .L., andQ.T .analyzedmechanisticdata.S.F ., T .T ., andJ.Levitsky interpretedclinicaldata.Q.T .andJ.H.E.interpreteddarTregmanufacturingdata.J.Leung,Y .P ., K.W .L., A.S.-F ., M.H.,andQ.T .interpretedmechanisticdata.Q.T .andS.F .draftedthemanuscript, and all authors participated in the reviewand finalization of the manuscript. Competing interests:Q.T .isaco-founder,shareholder,andscientificadvisorofSonomaBiotherapeutics. Q.T .isaconsultantofeGenesisandQihanBio.Q.T .isacoinventorofthefollowingpatents: “Expansion of alloantigen reactive regulatory T cells” (US9801911B2) and “Regulatory T cells suppressautoimmunity”(US7722862B2).A.L.P .andW .L. arecoinventorsonthepatent“CD127 expressioninverselycorrelateswithFoxP3andsuppressivefunctionofCD4+Tregs” (US9012134B2).S.F .isaconsultantofQuellTherapeuticsandeGenesis.S.F .servesasthechairof DSMBforQuellTherapeutics.A.S.-F .isacofounderandshareholderofQuell Therapeutics. J. Levitsky is an advisor and receives research grant support from Eurofins and Novartis.Theotherauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenocompetinginterests.Dataandmaterials availability:AlldataassociatedwiththisstudyarepresentinthepaperortheSupplementary Materials.RNA-seqdataareavailableinGEO(accessionnumber:GSE208111).ThecelllineK562-hCD40LforgeneratingsBCswasmadeavailabletoQ.T .underamaterialtransferagreement.All requests forother rawandanalyzed dataand materials willbe reviewedby thecorresponding authors to verify whether the request is subject to any intellectual property or confidentiality obligations.Pa tient-r elateddatanotincludedinthepaperweregeneratedaspartofclinical trialsandmaybesubjecttopatientconfidentiality. The study is funded by a grant from NIAID 1U01AI104347 (to S.F. and Q.T.).

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