Serotonin i genetika suicidalnog ponašanja

Translated title of the contribution: Serotonin and Suicidal Behavior Genetics

Daniela B Jovanović, Aleksandar Jovanović, Maja Ivković, Miroslava Jašović-Gašić

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


Tokom poslednjih godina, napredak molekularne genetike omogućio je sagledavanje mentalnih poremećaja iz nove perspektive. Saznanje o nezavisnom nasleđivanju predispozicije ka suicidalnom ponašanju, otvorilo je novo poglavlje u proučavanju suicidalnosti-molekularno genetičke studije suicidalnog ponašanja (obećavajuća i produktivna oblast istraživanja, sa neretko kontradiktornim rezultatima). Ovim radom autori su napravili pregled najvažnijih od pomenutih rezultata u oblasti molekularne genetike suicidalnog ponašanja sa posebnim akcentom na serotonergički sistem neurotransmisije. Pored osnova genetike suicidalnog ponašanja (studije vezanosti i asocijacione studije), detaljnije su prikazani tzv. 'geni kandidati' kao što su gen za serotoninski transporter, gen za triptofan hidroksilazu, geni za pojedine serotoninske receptore (5HT2A, 5HT1A, 5HT1B).

In recent years, progress made in the field of molecular genetics has offered a whole new understanding of mental disorders. Knowledge of the independent inheritance of suicidal behavior diathesis has advanced suicidality research in the form of molecular genetic studies of suicidal behavior (a promising and productive research field often with contradictory results). With this article the authors ma-de an overview of the aforementioned contradictory results in the field of suicidal behavior molecular genetic with special emphasis on serotonergic neurotransmission. Beside the basics of suicidal behavior genetics (linkage and association studies), the “candidate genes” are presented in more detail: the serotonin transporter gene, tryptophan hydroxylase gene, and serotonin receptor genes (5HT2A, 5HT1A, 5HT1B).
Translated title of the contributionSerotonin and Suicidal Behavior Genetics
Original languageOther
Pages (from-to)87-95
Number of pages9
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - 2010


  • suicidal behavior
  • serotonin
  • genetics


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