Tobin Marks (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


Silole-Containing Polymers NU 2006-004 Inventors Tobin Marks* Antonio Faccetti Gang Lu Hakan Usta Joseph Letizia Short Description Novel semiconducting polymers for fabrication of air-stable electronic devices #materials #polymer #electronic Abstract Northwestern University researchers have synthesized three novel silole-containing polymers that can be used in production of various electronic devices. Organic polymers have been investigated thoroughly for their potential to be used in thin film field effect transistor devices. However, most materials that have been generated suffer from solubility problems or exhibit a lack of stability under ambient conditions, which causes production costs to rise. The novel silole-based polymers synthesized by the Marks group are stable in air, which makes both device fabrication and operation simpler and less expensive. All three polymers were fabricated into thin films via simple solution processing techniques (spin coating and drop casting). In addition, all of the field effect transistors incorporating these new materials performed well in laboratory tests. While there were variations between the different compounds, all devices had high hole mobility and on/off ratio, while operating at a low turn-on voltage. These desirable characteristics will make the novel silole-based polymers a material of choice for production of low-cost flexible electronic devices. Applications o Thin film transistors o Solar cells o Radiofrequency identification tags o Flexible electronics Advantages o Stable at ambient conditions o Simple to fabricate o High hole mobility and on/off ratio Publications Lu G, Usta H, Risko C, Wang L, Faccetti A, Ratner MA, Marks TJ. Synthesis, Characterization, and Transistor Response of Semiconducting Silole Polymers with Substrantial Hole Mobility and Air Stability. Experiment and Theory (2008). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130: 7670-7685. IP Status Issued US patents 7,816,480 and 7,605, 225. International patent application has been filed. Marketing Contact Allan Nader, PhD Invention Manager (e) [email protected] (p) 847.491.4456 Tags MATERIALS: polymer, MATERIALS: electronic
Original languageEnglish
Patent number7816480
StatePublished - Oct 19 2010


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