Spearman, Charles (1863–1945)

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Charles Edward Spearman (1863–1945) was arguably the leading psychometrician of the early twentieth century. He was the founder and head of the “London school” of psychology at University College London (UCL) where he and his many students combined an experimental with a psychometric approach to the study of cognitive ability. He became Reader in Experimental Psychology at UCL in 1907 and was made the Grote Professor of Mind and Logic at UCL in 1911. This professorship was eventually (1928) renamed the “Professorship of Psychology.” He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 1924. Although officially retiring from UCL in 1931, he continued an active research career for the rest of his life. Spearman's contributions to reliability theory, factor analysis, and the theory of “g” or general intelligence continue to influence psychometric and intelligence research more than 100 years later.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationThe Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology
EditorsRobin L Cautin, Scott O Lilienfeld
PublisherJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN (Print)978-0-470-67127-6
StatePublished - 2015


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