SPIO-labeled yttrium microspheres for MR imaging quantification of transcatheter intrahepatic delivery in a rodent model

Weiguo Li, Zhuoli Zhang, Andrew C. Gordon, Jeane Chen, Jodi Nicolai, Robert J. Lewandowski, Reed A. Omary, Andrew Christian Larson*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Scopus citations


Purpose: To investigate the qualitative and quantitative impacts of labeling yttrium microspheres with increasing amounts of superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) material for magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in phantom and rodent models. Materials and Methods: Animal model studies were approved by the institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. The r2∗relaxivity for each of four microsphere SPIO compositions was determined from 32 phantoms constructed with agarose gel and in eight concentrations from each of the four compositions. Intrahepatic transcatheter infusion procedures were performed in rats by using each of the four compositions before MR imaging to visualize distributions within the liver. For quantitative studies, doses of 5, 10, 15, or 20 mg 2% SPIO-labeled yttrium microspheres were infused into 24 rats (six rats per group). MR imaging R2∗measurements were used to quantify the dose delivered to each liver. Pearson correlation, analysis of variance, and intraclass correlation analyses were performed to compare MR imaging measurements in phantoms and animal models. Results: Increased r2∗relaxivity was observed with incremental increases of SPIO microsphere content. R2∗measurements of the 2% SPIO-labeled yttrium microsphere concentration were well correlated with known phantom concentrations (R2 = 1.00, P <001) over a broader linear range than observed for the other three compositions. Microspheres were heterogeneously distributed within each liver; increasing microsphere SPIO content produced marked signal voids. R2∗-based measurements of 2% SPIO-labeled yttrium microsphere delivery were well correlated with infused dose (intraclass correlation coefficient, 0.98; P <001). Conclusion: MR imaging R2∗measurements of yttrium microspheres labeled with 2% SPIO can quantitatively depict in vivo intrahepatic biodistribution in a rat model.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)405-412
Number of pages8
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2016

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Radiology Nuclear Medicine and imaging


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