Structure, phase transitions and ionic conductivity of K3NdSi6O15·xH2O. II. Structure of β-K3NdSi6O15

S. M. Haile*, B. J. Wuensch

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35 Scopus citations


Hydrothermally grown crystals of β-K3NdSi6O15, potassium neodymium silicate, have been studied by single-crystal X-ray methods. Under appropriate conditions, the compound crystallizes in space group Bb21m and has lattice constants a = 14.370 (2), b = 15.518 (2) and c = 14.265 (2) Å. There are 30 atom sites in the asymmetric unit of the basic structure. With eight formula units per unit cell, the calculated density is 2.798 Mg m-3. Refinement was carried out to a residual, wR(F2), of 0.1177 [R(F) = 0.0416] using anisotropic temperature factors for all atoms. The structure is based on (Si2O52-) layers, connected by Nd polyhedra to form a three-dimensional framework. Potassium ion sites, some of which are only partially occupied, are located within channels that run between the silicate layers. The silica-neodymia framework of β-K3NdSi6O15, in particular the linkages formed between the silicate layers and Nd polyhedra, bears some similarities to that of the essentially isocompositional phase α-K3NdSi6O15·2H2O. In both, the silicate layers are corrugated so as to accommodate a simple cubic array of NdO6 octahedra with lattice constant ∼ 7.5 Å. Furthermore, the Si2O5 layers in β-K3NdSi6O15 are topologically identical to those of the mineral sazhinite, Na2HCeSi6O15. Although β-K3NdSi6O15 and sazhinite are not isostructural, the structures of each can be described as slight distortions of a high-symmetry parent structure with space group Pbmm.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)349-362
Number of pages14
JournalActa Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jun 2000

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology


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