The effects of acute coronary occlusion on noninvasive echocardiographically derived systolic and diastolic myocardial strain rates

Michael S. Firstenberg, Neil L. Greenberg*, Nicholas G. Smedira, Peter Castro, James D. Thomas, Mario J. Garcia

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

19 Scopus citations


Purpose To compare the magnitude and rates of change of peak systolic (εSYS) and diastolic (εDIAS) strain rates, as measured using tissue Doppler echocardiography, to pressure and volumes left-ventricular indices during acute coronary occlusion. Methods Six closed-chest dogs had a combination high-fidelity conductance pressure transducer placed into the left ventricle for determination of end-diastolic and end-systolic pressures (EDP and ESP) and volumes (EDV, ESV, and ejection fraction [EF]). Other indices included the time constant of left-ventricular relaxation (τ), +dP/dtmax, -dP/dtmax, end-systolic pressure/volume index (ESPV). A coronary angioplasty catheter was positioned into the left-anterior descending coronary artery. During coronary occlusion, strain rates and hemodynamic parameters were recorded continuously for 2 minutes. Results During occlusion, significant decreases in strain rates occurred within 30 seconds. Systolic indices (ESPV and +dP/dtmax) changed at rates similar to εSYS (each p = NS). Diastolic indices (τ, EDP, EDV, -dp/dtmax) also changed at rates similar to εDIAS (each p = NS). However, EF decreased at a significantly slower rate than did strain rates (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Peak systolic and diastolic strain rates decrease with acute ischemia similar to corresponding indices of left-ventricular systolic and diastolic function. Strain rates may be used in the noninvasive assessment of ischemic-induced left-ventricular dysfunction.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)466-472
Number of pages7
JournalCurrent surgery
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2000


Support: Supported in part by Grant 1R01HL56688-01A1, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, Bethesda, Maryland (JDT); Grant NCC9-60, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Houston, Texas (JDT); and Grant-in-aid #NEO-97-225-BGIA from the American Heart Association, North-East Ohio Affiliate (MJG).


  • Diastole
  • Echocardiography
  • Myocardial ischemia
  • Strain
  • Systole
  • Tissue Doppler

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Surgery


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