Transforming the Future of Surgeon-Scientists

Daniela P. Ladner, Allan M. Goldstein, Timothy R. Billiar, Andrew M. Cameron, Darren R. Carpizo, Daniel I. Chu, Craig M. Coopersmith, Ronald P. Dematteo, Sandy Feng, Katherine A. Gallagher, William E. Gillanders, Brajesh K. Lal, Gerald S. Lipshutz, Annie Liu, Ronald V. Maier, Elizabeth A. Mittendorf, Arden M. Morris, Jason K. Sicklick, Omaida C. Velazquez, Bryan A. WhitsonLee G. Wilke, Sam S. Yoon, Martha A. Zeiger, Diana L. Farmer, E. Shelley Hwang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Objective: To create a blueprint for surgical department leaders, academic institutions, and funding agencies to optimally support surgeon-scientists. Background: Scientific contributions by surgeons have been transformative across many medical disciplines. Surgeon-scientists provide a distinct approach and mindset toward key scientific questions. However, lack of institutional support, pressure for increased clinical productivity, and growing administrative burden are major challenges for the surgeon-scientist, as is the time-consuming nature of surgical training and practice. Methods: An American Surgical Association Research Sustainability Task Force was created to outline a blueprint for sustainable science in surgery. Leaders from top NIH-sponsored departments of surgery engaged in video and in-person meetings between January and April 2023. A strength, weakness, opportunities, threats analysis was performed, and workgroups focused on the roles of surgeons, the department and institutions, and funding agencies. Results: Taskforce recommendations: (1) SURGEONS: Growth mindset: identifying research focus, long-Term planning, patience/tenacity, team science, collaborations with disparate experts; Skill set: Align skills and research, fill critical skill gaps, develop team leadership skills; DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY (DOS): (2) MENTORSHIP: Chair: mentor-mentee matching/regular meetings/accountability, review of junior faculty progress, mentorship training requirement, recognition of mentorship (eg, relative value unit equivalent, awards; Mentor: dedicated time, relevant scientific expertise, extramural funding, experience and/or trained as mentor, trusted advisor; Mentee: enthusiastic/eager, proactive, open to feedback, clear about goals; (3) FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY: diversification of research portfolio, identification of matching funding sources, departmental resource awards (eg, T-/P-grants), leveraging of institutional resources, negotiation of formalized/formulaic funds flow investment from academic medical center toward science, philanthropy; (4) STRUCTURAL/STRATEGIC SUPPORT: Structural: grants administrative support, biostats/bioinformatics support, clinical trial and research support, regulatory support, shared departmental laboratory space/equipment; Strategic: hiring diverse surgeon-scientist/scientists faculty across DOS, strategic faculty retention/ recruitment, philanthropy, career development support, progress tracking, grant writing support, DOS-wide research meetings, regular DOS strategic research planning; (5) COMMUNITY AND CULTURE: Community: right mix of faculty, connection surgeon with broad scientific community; Culture: building research infrastructure, financial support for research, projecting importance of research (awards, grand rounds, shoutouts); (6) THE ROLE OF INSTITUTIONS: Foundation: research space co-location, flexible start-up packages, courses/mock study section, awards, diverse institutional mentorship teams; Nurture: institutional infrastructure, funding (eg, endowed chairs), promotion friendly toward surgeon-scientists, surgeon-scientists in institutional leadership positions; Expectations: RVU target relief, salary gap funding, competitive starting salaries, longitudinal salary strategy; (7) THE ROLE OF FUNDING AGENCIES: change surgeon research training paradigm, offer alternate awards to K-Awards, increasing salary cap to reflect market reality, time extension for surgeon early-stage investigator status, surgeon representation on study section, focused award strategies for professional societies/foundations. Conclusions: Authentic recommitment from surgeon leaders with intentional and ambitious actions from institutions, corporations, funders, and society is essential in order to reap the essential benefits of surgeon-scientists toward advancements of science.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)231-239
Number of pages9
JournalAnnals of surgery
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 1 2024


S.H.F. reports past compensation to her institution from Novartis, Randox, and Transplant Genomics. S.H.F. also serves as an Editor-in-Chief for American Journal of Transplantation and a member of Editorial Board for New England Journal of Medicine. W.E.G. reports ongoing compensation to his institution from National Cancer Institute, Leidos Biomedical, and 1440 Foundation. E.A.M. reports compensated service on scientific advisory boards for Astra Zeneca, BioNTech and Merck; uncompensated service on steering committees for Bristol Myers Squibb and Roche/Genentech; and institutional research support from Roche/Genentech (via SU2C grant) and Gilead. E.A.M. also reports research funding from Susan Komen for the Cure for which she serves as a Scientific Advisor, and uncompensated participation as a member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology Board of Directors. J.K.S. receives consultant fees from Deciphera, Aadi and Grand Rounds, serves as a consultant for CureMatch, received speaker’s fees from Deciphera, La-Hoffman Roche, Foundation Medicine, Merck, QED, and Daiichi Sankyo; and owns stock in Personalis and CureMatch. L.G.W. reports ongoing compensation to her institution from Perimeter Medical and compensated services from Elucent Medical. D.L.F. reports compensated services from Briopryme and Artemis Cures; uncompensated services as a consultant for the National Institutes of Health; and research funding from California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). The other authors report no conflicts of interest. It is imperative that an academic DOS maintain a strong and broadly accessible research infrastructure to support high-quality research. This strategy must include structural and strategic support to develop, grow, and maintain a high-functioning research enterprise within the DOS to enhance research success in multiple domains. Grant administrative support, both pre-award and post-award, is essential for investigators submitting grants and managing award budgets. Access to biostatistical and bioinformatics support as well as partnerships with faculty with expertise in novel statistical approaches such as artificial intelligence and machine learning are increasingly advantageous. A well-trained clinical trials group at the departmental level is necessary if faculty are to engage in clinical trials and can serve as an engine for federal and industry awards. Combining staff engaged in enrollment into small and large clinical trials allows for cross coverage, training, and community. Centrally organized support for regulatory submissions (e.g., Institutional Review Board, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, biosafety) alleviates the burden on surgeons of training staff and overseeing regulatory compliance. Shared departmental laboratory space and equipment for both wet and dry labs can help junior investigators feel part of a cohesive culture and motivates high-value productivity. Co-location of laboratories with similar interests is another valuable strategy to foster a successful research enterprise. Finally, professional illustrations are increasingly important for both grants and high-impact articles, with many departments engaging professional graphic designers.

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Surgery


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